barring:except,not including除。。。外
failing:in default of因缺少。。。。;在缺少。。。时
following:after in time;as a sequel to在。。。以后
including:if we include如果包括我;。。。。。。包括在内
regarding:about,concerning,in respect of
according tas stated by/ in proportion根据。。。。。/依照。。。。。。。
ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further advanced than sb/sth
along with:in addition to;together with另外,加之,还有
apart from:exceping,not considering; in addition to除。。。。外/且莫说;除。。。之外尚有
as for:with regard to至于
as from:on and after从一特定时间开始
as of=as from
as regards:about,concerning至于,就。。。而论
as twith regard to关于,至于
because of:on account of,by reason
but for:without the help or hindrane etc.of假如没有。。。。;要不是
by means of凭借。。。。。的方法
due tbecause of由于
except for:not including,other than除了
in accordance with:in conformity to一致;依据
in front of:ahead of ,in the presence of在前面;当着。。。。。。的面
in place of:in exchange for,instead of作为。。。的交换
in spite of:notwithstanding不管,不顾
instead of:in place of
in view of:considering由于,鉴于
with a view twuth the hope or intention of指望,考虑到
near tto or at a short distance from
next talmost,virtually几乎
on account of: beause of
on behalf of:in the interests of;as representative为了。。。。。的利益/代表
owing tbecause of由于
prior tbefore在前,居先
together with:as well as和,连同
up tuntil/below or equal to直到/不多于
in regard to=with regard tas concerns,in respect of
in that由于,因为
now that由于
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