practice test 3 中的 passage 2 ,page 188 --------question 14 判断 y/n/ng
题目:the drug lords in columbia have managed to acquire sams through illegal channels .
在原文中找到的对应文字是:although the columbian drug cartels have apparently never used such weapons before --------and there is still no hard evidence that they have acquired them--------there are certainly plenty of sams ,primarily us-made stingers and soviet-bulit as-7grails ,available through illegal channels .
我判断的是n,因为 there is still no hard evidence that they have acquired them。但是答案是ng。仔细想了一下是不是因为没有过硬的证据并不意味着哥伦比亚的毒枭没有acquire sams ,也就是说可能有过,只不过没有被发现而已,所以正确答案是 ng ?
另外一个是practice test 4 ,passage 1 ,page197-------question 9 也是判断 y/n/ng
题目:the general public so far have responded to general public positively .
我拿不定主意应该是判断为 n 还是 ng 。在原文中没有一段是说 general public 对general public 的反应的 ,按理应为 ng 。但是在 g 段谈到 environmentalists 以及 other consumer advocates 有 call for tougher scrutiny ,the public has a right to know whats