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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle once made a film depicting London as a postapocalyptic wasteland overrun by virus-carrying zombies. For the beginning of Friday evenings Olympic opening ceremony, Mr. Boyle has something a bit gentler in mind: sheep, horses and geese.


  Mr. Boyle, the English director of gritty films like Slumdog Millionaire,Trainspotting and the zombie classic 28 Days Later, is the man who faces the unenviable task of following Chinas gargantuan spectacle that opened the 2008 Beijing Olympics.


  Part of Mr. Boyles answer is an opening set for the ceremony inspired by the U.K.green and pleasant land, a reference to the words of William Blake in the British anthem Jerusalem. Throughout the show, his aim is to capture key elements of Britain, including its rich history, contemporary culture, playful sense of humor and propensity to churn out rock stars.


  The challenge is to make a show that will appeal both to a British audience and the expected billion or more viewers around the world. Mr. Boyle last month said he knows he wont be able to please everyone with the show. Youre bound to fail, he said good-naturedly. But, he added, ll try very hard not to.


  Among dignitaries due to attend the show, which is scheduled to start at 9 p.m. local time, are U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron. Mr. Boyle and others have briefed the prime minister on the show, which, Mr. Cameron said, will contain one or two moments I think people will find really spine-tingling.


  The first set is a pastoral scene: a cricket match, meadows covered in real grass and live animals-including some 70 sheep, a dozen horses and an assortment of geese and other farmyard stock. Later are expected to be tributes to the industrial revolution and Britains state health-care system-as well as the nations future in a digital age. Even the royal family gets a look-in with an expected prerecorded segment inside Buckingham Palace. A spokeswoman for the queen declined to comment.


  Music also will play a prominent role, from composer Edward ElgarNimrod to two pieces written by electronic band Underworld, who made their breakthrough after their song Born Slippy was used in Mr. BoyleTrainspotting. The final act is expected to involve former Beatles member Paul McCartney leading a singalong.

  音乐也将在开幕式中扮演重要角色,其中既包括作曲家爱德华?埃尔加的作品,也包括电子乐队Underworld的两首歌。该乐队因一首博伊尔电影《猜火车》中的片尾曲Born Slippy而名声大噪。预计开幕式的最后一个节目是前披头士乐队成员保罗?麦卡特尼领唱的大联唱。




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