1. Looking beyond the 10-year period, the botanists estimate that some 3,000 native plant species may become extinct in the foreseeable future more than 10 percent of the approximately 25,000 species of plants in the United States.「译文」 在展望10年后的情况时植物学家们估计,在未来可预见到的时间内, 3000种本地植物占美国近25 000种植物的10%将可能灭绝。
2. The annual migrations of wildfowl and many other animals certainly cannot be regarded as a form of exploration, because such movements are actually only shifts from one habitat to another for the purpose of avoiding seasonal climatic variations.?
「译文」 野生禽类和许多其他动物每年的迁徙,当然不能被看做是一种探险行为,因为,这些迁徙活动实际上只是从一个栖息地转移到另一个栖息地,以躲避气候的季节性变化。
3. Proponents of G-M foods argue using biotechnology in the production of food products has many benefits: it speeds up the process of breeding plants and animals with desired characteristics; can be used to introduce traits that a product wouldnt traditionally have; can improve the nutritional value of products; and can produce cheaper and more environmentally?friendly fertilizers.
「译文」 转基因食物的倡导者指出,用生物技术生产食物有很多益处:它能加速作物和牲畜的生长速度,并使它们具有所要求的特点;它可以给食物增添以往不具备的特征;可以改进食物的营养价值;可以生产出廉价、环保效果更好的肥料。
4. What makes this debate unique is that every meal we eat is at its very core. And that fact means one thing: its an issue to be discussed not only around policy tables, but dinner tables.?
「译文」 使这场辩论不同一般的是:我们吃的每顿饭都成为争论的中心。而且,这个事实意味着一件事:这不仅是政策制定会上应该讨论的问题,而且是饭桌上要讨论的问题。
5. Contact us before writing your application or Make use of our long experience in preparing your curriculum vitae or job history is how it is usually expressed.?
「译文」 写申请前同我们联系,利用我们多年的经验来准备你的学历或工作经历,这种广告经常这样宣传。
6. There is no doubt, however, that it is the increasing number of applicants with university education at all points in the process of engaging staff that has led to the greater importance of the curriculum vitae.?
「译文」 但是,毫无疑问,正是由于在申请工作的过程中具有大学学历的人数增加,使得简历更加重要。
7. Other goals of the interview are: to answer questions successfully, obtain any additional information needed to make a decision, accent your special strengths, establish a positive relationship, show confidence, and to sell yourself.?
「译文」 参加面试其他的目标包括:成功地回答问题,为做决定获得更多信息,强调自己的特殊优势,建立良好的关系,表达自己的信心,推销自己。
8. Based on these goals, place yourself in the role of the interviewer and develop anticipated questions and answers to three categories: company data, personal data, and specific job data.?
「译文」 在明确这些目标的基础上,将自己设想为面试你的人,在以下三个方面为自己设想出一些问题以及这些问题的答案:公司数据信息,个人信息,有关某份工作的特定信息。
9. Since the interview will center on you, proper self-management process is divided into four stages: the before stage, the greeting stage, the consultation stage, and the departure stage.?
「译文」 既然面试的焦点是你,应该在以下四个阶段做出合理的准备:面试前阶段,问候阶段,商洽阶段,告别阶段。
10. The before stage includes writing a confirmation letter, concentrating on appearance and nonverbal communication, developing your portfolio, anticipating questions with positive responses, and arriving early.?
「译文」 面试前阶段包括写一封确认函、集中注意自己的仪表和非语言行为、准备好自己的资料、设想一些问题以及对这些问题的正面回答、早到面试地点。
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