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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  雅思阅读中的多选题包括多选一和多选多,题目均由2部分构成:题干和选项.在4选1的题型中,题干通常可分为2类:general/ specific.前者题干的内容所指一般较宽泛,笼统,典型的如:What is the writers main point?/ In the first paragraph the writer makes the point that blind people.如果考生按照传统做法依此意到原文中寻找,往往耗时耗力,结果却未免正确,明智的做法是先将下面的4个选项一一读过,并留意它们的核心意义,和彼此之间的区别,以利于接下来的甄别和判断,然后再到文章中对应;另外一种比较specific的题干恰恰相反,是指题干的内容所指相对较具体,这时则无需读下面的选项了,因为要到原文中去寻找的内容已然清楚了,多读选项内容就显得意义不大了,反而会耗去一些时间.两种答题步骤迥异完全因题干不同而来,目的则都是为了更快更准确地答题.


  在剑桥真题系列IV中,Question 27/ Test 1:

  Choose the correct letter, A,B,C or D.

  27. In the first paragraph the writer makes the point that blind people

  A. may be interested in studying art.

  B. can draw outlines of different objects and surfaces.

  C. can recognize conventions such as perspective.

  D. can draw accurately.

  初看下来,题干中的blind people似是详细信息,但考生应很快意识到,全文的题目即是Visual Symbols and the Blind,既如此,blind people就算不得能够帮助定位的详细信息,这样,题干就成为对第一段的主旨大意的考核,这时考生应该了解其难度,避开阅读首段,转而浏览A,B,C,D四选项,并短时记忆4个关键词或词组.按照常理,大体可排除A和D,若最终的判断只是在B和D两项之见进行,就简单得多了.


  From a number of recent studies, it has become clear that blind people can appreciate the use of outlines and perspectives to describe the arrangement of objects and other surfaces in space.


  再看下例:剑桥真题系列V, Question 33/ Test 1.

  Choose the correct letter, A,B,C or D.

  33. What aspect of scientific research does the writer express concern about in paragraph 4?

  A. the need to produce results

  B. the lack of financial support

  C. the selection of areas to research

  D. the desire to solve every research problem

  题干中能令考生感觉详细一点的也就只是 scientific research了,不过,依照它找到paragraph 4,发现只读和scientific research有关的句子还是无法作答,首句中的One is the lopsidedness built into scientific research.并不能令考生得知偏颇的具体内容,而第二句:Scientific funding goes mainly to areas with many problems.又容易让考生误解为B也可能成为正确答案,从而在B和C之间举棋不定,难以取舍,因为该题其实是在考核对全段的综合理解能力,题干中的scientific research并不能认为是一个详细信息点,既然在句尾出现了in paragraph 4.



  Question 14/ Test 1/ Cambridge IV:

  Choose the correct letter A,B,C or D.

  Which of the following is the most suitable title for Reading Passage 1?

  A. The development of a programme in environmental studies within a science curriculum

  B. Childrens ideas about the rainforests and the implications for course design

  C. The extent to which children have been misled by the media concerning the rainforests

  D. How to collect, collate and describe the ideas of secondary school children

  E. The importance of the rainforests and the reasons for their destruction


  A选项是要被排除掉的,因为整个statement竟然没有涉及全篇的核心话题rainforests,错误显而易见.D选项因为同样错误也被排除.E选项中的importance和 reasons只是文中提及的5个问题之2,而这5个问题应该是并列的关系,从逻辑上讲,错误是很明显的.这样就余下B和C作为最后抉择的选项,注意二者的不同之处,implications和 misled.这时回原文中寻找,在第三段出现了:The aim of the present study is to start to provide such information, to help teachers design their educational strategies to而C选项始终无从谈起,在文中没有有力的支持.正确答案是 B。



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