Reading Passage 1
题干:The children have to pay back slightly more money than they borrowed.
原文:All S.K.I programs have charged interest on the loans...generally the rates have been modest
分析:题干中表达the children have to pay back... more money than they borrowed对应文章中All S.K.I programs have charged interest on the loans,全部计划都要收利息,所以儿童必须还钱,并且有了利息的存在,所以儿童要还比他借的钱多的一部分的钱;并且,slightly对应了modest, generally the rates have been modest,利率不多,并且比银行的要低,所以只高出了一点点。
Academic Test 4
Reading Passage 1
题干:Modern official athletic records date from about 1900.
原文:Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records......
分析:about 1900对应the early years of the twentieth century,Modern official athletic records date from对应when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records
题干:The growing international importance of athletics means that gifted athletes can be recognised at a younger age.
原文:Over the past century,...but with increasing global participation in athletic-----and greater rewards to tempt athletes-----it is more likely that individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance can be identified early.
分析:The growing international importance of athletics对应with increasing global participation in athletic-----and greater rewards to tempt athletes, gifted athletes对应individuals possessing the unique complement of genes for athletic performance,recognised at a younger age对应more likely...can be identified early.
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