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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. Such a viewpoint,particularly prominent in the developing countries,is reinforced by the widely-held belief that it is not the peaceful application of nuclear energy that is endangering the survival of mankind.

  第一层:Such a viewpoint,主 particularly prominent in the developing 定 countries,is 系 reinforced 表 by the widely-held belief 状 that it is not the peaceful application of nuclear energy that is end- 同位语从句 angering the survival of mankind.

  第二层:that 引 it 形主 is not 系 the peaceful application 强调主语 of nuclear energy 定 that 引 is endangering 谓 the survival 宾 of mankind. 定要点 本句主干为Such a viewpoint is reinforced by the widely-held belief;形容词短语particularly prominent in the developing countries,作为插入语修饰viewpoint,将主语和谓语分隔开来;介词短语by the widely-held belief是被动语态reinforced的行为主体;that it ismankind是belief的同位语从句,这里还含有一个强调句式,即it is not the peaceful applicationthat is endangering。

  译文 这种在发展中国家显得尤为突出的观点被一种广泛持有的信念所加强,即并非和平利用核能正危害着人类的生存。

  2. No girl should marry a man whose last name has the same initial as hers,for,as the rhyme goes,Change the name but not the letter,marry for worse instead of better.

  第一层:No girl 主 should marry 谓 a man 宾 whose last name has the same initial as hers,定语从句 for,as the rhyme goes,Change 状语从句 the name but not the letter,marry for worse instead of better.

  第二层:whose 引 last name 主 has 谓 the same initial 宾 as hers 定for,引 as the rhyme goes,状 Change 谓 the name 宾 but 连 not the letter,宾 marry 谓 for worse instead of better.状要点 这是个主从复合句。for是连接词,引导状语从句。as the rhyme goes是插入语,插在for和它引导的从句之间,造成for和它引导的从句的分离,翻译时,可译成一个主谓结构。

  译文 姑娘不该嫁给与自己的姓的首字母相同的人,因为正如一首童谣所说:改姓不改首字母,婚后必将受其苦。




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