在雅思阅读考试中,很多考生都觉得T/F/N G题型的解答非常的困难,因为这三种情况在答案中的分辨非常的不清晰,其实只要大家对这类题型的出题特点掌握之后,就不会这样伤脑筋了。下面雅思就以一些实际的例子来为大家详细解释一下T/F/N G题型的特点。
例 1
有一道讲国际互联网的题目,其中题目说上网的人要多缴电话费。对于大多数中国考生来 说,这是个不争的事实,所以很多人选了TRUE,而正确答案应该是NOT GIVEN,因为在全文任何一个地方都没有提级上网和电话费之间的关系。
例 2 题目是原文的同义表达
原文:Few are more than five years old.
题目:Most are less than five years old.
原文:For example, it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call is received by the police. When response times increase to 3-4 minutes ------still quite a rapid response-------the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced.
译文:例如,只有反应时间在警察接到电话之后1-2 分钟,快速反应才会使抓住罪犯的可能性更大。当反应时间增加到3-4 分钟,仍然是非常快的反应,抓住罪犯的可能性就实质性的降低。
题目:A response delay of 1-2 minutes may have substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught.
译文:1-2 分钟的反应延迟会对嫌疑犯是否被抓住产生实质性的影响。
解释:从原文的两句话可以推断出:1-2 分钟,抓住罪犯的可能性很大,3-4 分钟,可能性就实质性的降低。所以,1-2 分钟的反应延迟会对嫌疑犯是否被抓住产生实质性的影响,答案应为ture。
例 4
原文:But generally winter sports were felt to be too specialized.
题目:The Antwerp games proved that winter sports were too specialized.
译文:Antwerp 运动会证明冬季项目是很专门化的。
例 5
原文:Another theory is that worldwide temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs.
题目:It is a fact that frogs breeding cycles are upset by worldwide increases in temperature.
解释:原文中有 theory,强调是理论。题目中有fact,强调是事实。所以答案应为为false。
上一篇: 雅思阅读水平的自测方法