Shes a Hollywood actress with her own career and millions in the bank. But when it comes to love, it seems Blake Lively prefers the old-fashioned approached. The Gossip Girl star is rumoured to have turned to cult dating manual The Rules to hook Leonardo di Caprio. Not calling him, making him jealous and acting busy, are just some of the commandments in the bestselling book by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider, published in 1995, that Blake reportedly heeded to win the Inception actor over。
据报道,好莱坞英俊小生莱奥纳多在电影《逍遥法外》中的片酬已经超过剪刀手约翰尼德普,成为好莱坞最吸金男星,而作为莱奥纳多的新女友,同样 是在美剧《绯闻女孩》中一炮而红的演员布莱克在5月份成功搭上这个摇钱树后想尽各种方法挽留住男友,招数可谓一样接一样。然而这位表面看起来光鲜照人 的女星却在使用约会中最最传统、最最老套的方法企图拴住她的这位人见人爱的男友,除了自曝资讯莱奥纳多之母不喜欢自己、还曝出两人分手的传闻,这些看似欲擒故纵的把戏在她与莱奥纳多的恋爱过程中玩转自如,貌似取得了良好的效果,这不,由Ellen Fein和Sherrie Schneider出版的《约会宝典》中详细分析了绯闻女孩拴住莱奥纳多的秘诀。
A friend of Blakes told Now Magazine: Blake loves dating book The Rules and has been following it to the letter. She knew Leo could have any girl he wanted and she figured she had to stand out from the crowd. The blonde 23-year-old even made sure Leo officially broke up with supermodel girlfriend Bar Refaeli before dating him. The source said: Blake told him he had to break up with Bar before shed even go on a date with him, so he did. Shes making him work for it - and hes fallen hard for her.
布莱克的一位闺蜜告诉杂志,她说:布莱克十分喜爱《约会宝典》这本书,她一有时间就仔细阅读,她知道她男友的万人迷特性,就是因为如此,她希望从众多女 孩中脱颖而出,最终捕获男友的芳心。就在莱奥纳多与相恋多年的以色列女友分手后,布莱克还一再确定自己的男友有没有从旧恋情中走出来。以下是《约会宝典》中的几条约会守则,供大家分享。
TOP TEN RULES TO BAG A MAN 1.Be a creature unlike any other.时时刻刻展现出与众不同的特质。
2.Possess a sense of confidence and radiance that permeates your being from head to toe.从头到脚都要展现出自己的自信,记住了,自信是由内而外散发的。
3.Go to parties and events even if you dont feel like it.去参加各式各样的活动、舞会,尽管你并不十分喜欢参加
4.You wont meet Mr Right sitting at home.记住了守株待兔的准则绝对不出现在恋爱中,你的另一半绝对不会是在家等来的。
5.Its a fantasy relationship unless a man asks you out.只有你的男人主动对你发起攻击,邀请你出去玩的时候,恋情才有戏。
6.If he never asks you out, hes not interested.看过那部电影么?《其实他没有那么喜欢你》,如果男人不找你出去,那就算了吧,别帮他找借口,其实他就是没有那么喜欢你罢了。
7.In an office romance, do not email him back unless it is business related.
8.In a long-distance relationship, he must visit you three times before you visit him.倘若是长距离恋爱,男方必须探访你3次,你才可以回访他。
9.Men should always pursue women first.记住了,一段健康的恋情,必须是男方先主动对女方发起追求的。
10.If he does not call, he is not interested.如果他不打电话给你,他就是没兴趣了。
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