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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. As far as the third factor is concerned,the history of science shows many instances in which the force of authority has operated in such a manner as to build up an exceedingly powerful resistance to further investigation;in some cases centuries elapsed before this resistance was eventually broken down,as happened in cosmology,for example.

  第一层: As far as the third factor is concerned ,状语从句1 the history 主 of science 定 shows 谓 many 定 instances 宾 in which the force of authority has operated in such a manner as to build up an exceedingly power- 定语从句 ful resistance to further investigation ; in some cases 状 centuries 主 elapsed 谓 before this resistance was eventually broken down,as 状语从句2 happened in cosmology,for example.

  第二层: As far as 引 the third factor 主语 is 系 concerned 表语

   in which 引 the force 主 of authority 定 has operated 谓 in such a manner as to build up an exceedingly powerful re- 状 sistance to further investigation

   before 引 this resistance 主 was 系 eventually 状 broken down, 表 as happened in cosmology,for example 定语从句

  第三层: as 引 happened 谓 in cosmology,状 for example. 插入语

  要点 本句由两个分句构成,以分号连接。第一个分句的主干为the history of science shows many instances,in which引导的定语从句修饰instances,such as 表结果,后接不定式;在第二个分句中,before 引出时间状语从句:before this resistance was eventually broken down;代词as在此是关系代词,引出定语从句:as happened in cosmology。resistance:抵抗;阻力。cosmology:宇宙论,宇宙哲学。

  译文 至于第三个因素,科学史中有许多事例表明,权威的力量起到这样一种作用:它给进一步的研究设置了一道极其牢固的障碍;在许多情况下,要花上几个世纪的时间才能最终打破这道障碍。例如,在宇宙学中就发生过这样的事。

  2. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.



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