The recent string of corporate scandals provided a rude awakening to the importance of these internal checks. In the case of WorldCom, it was internal auditor Cynthia Cooper who blew the whistle on the company for inflating profits by $3.8 billion. She didnt intend to be a hero, she said to Time magazine when it named her one of its Persons of the Year. She was just doing her job.
Chief constables had disapproved of the use of league tables. They complained that they provoked unfair criticism because they did not compare like with like. Mr. Denham said the graphs were easier to comprehend than tables. As people get familiar with this type of graphical presentation they will realize it contains a lot of data that can be understood after an initial glance. The spidergrams are based on five indicators: reducing crime, investigation crime, public safety, deployment of resources and the view of a focus group of local citizens.
If the wind becomes gusty after a period of calm, you should seek shelter. The sky needs careful watching too. Gradual darkening and boiling clouds should quicken your pace. Lightening and thunder are common enough storm indicators, but few people realize that the brightness of the lightening is not nearly as important as the number of lightning flashes. The signs of an oncoming storm are many, and a persons life may depend on his ability to interpret them,
From one perspective, this huge customer base represents a hair-raising social liability. Surgical and hospital costs fro regular heart transplants run as high as $500,000. these procedures havent burdened the medical system so far but only because the supply of transplantable hearts has been limited to about 2000 a year. Abiomed plans to price its heart between $75000 and $10000 initially, and with volume production, the price could fall as low as $10000. However, even at the lower price, artificial hearts are an issue that will lead into moral quicksands, says medical ethicist David Steinberg of the Lahey Clinic in Burlington, Mass. What happens, Steinberg muses, if heart replacement and intervention directly and visibly linked to who will live and who will diebecomes available only to those who can afford it?
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