在文章当中,作者的立场主要分为三类:赞成、反对或中立。这需要我们从文章中找出一些旗帜鲜明的词来帮助我们判定:例如有一篇介绍GMOs的文章中,第一句话是:Genetically-modified organisms are a double-edged sword。这句话是全文或至少是全段的主题句,表明出题者的观点是中立的,认为转基因生物给人类带来益处的同时也带来了危害。下文的论述则会围绕着两方面加以展开。在阅读这类文章时,考生应注意把住这两方面的论据在心里加以分类。
作者的观点和态度往往在雅思的文章中有一个先扬后抑的过程,会通过一些转折词表现出来,前面会列出很多幌子来迷惑考生。这些常用的有:although,though,while,on the other hand,however,rather,but,despite,in spite of等。从这些词中我们可以得知出题者表明的是与期待相反的情况。如:
While the conventional wisdom may be that all people who have reached retirement are enjoying a life of leisure,there are,in fact,a sizeable number of aged workers。
Net population gains through interstate migration have been experienced in Queensland and Western Australia。In Victoria and Tasmania,on the other hand,net losses have occurred。
The main difference between the more recent and older teaching materials is that vocabulary and grammar are not longer taught by using long quotations from literatureorendless repetitions of isolated sentence。Rather,they are taught in the context of everyday situations。
In spite of his wealth,Mr。Jones lived very simply in a one-room cottage。
在阅读过程中,了解出题者解释某个事件或情况的原因是很重要的。因果关系是帮助考生理解文章的线索之一。因此,考生应掌握下列词汇。解释原因的:because,because of,due to,result from,as a result of,be a consequence of,be attributed to;表示结果的:as a result,result in,lead to,cause,contributed to。