七宗罪之二 陷入长难句的泥潭,难以自拔
面对少则二行,多则四行左右的雅思阅读中的长难句,许多考生苦不堪言。究竟要怎么阅读才能事半功倍呢?这里提出拨笋理论,将繁琐冗长的句子去除从句,修饰词,层层剥离,找出最重要的核心意思。Eg, Port cities become industrial, financial and service centers and political capitals because of their water connections and the urban concentration which arises there and later draws to it railways, highways and air routes. 请大家剥去 一些细节和次重点的修饰词,然后注意句子逻辑,找最核心的句意,快速阅读,你只需知道port cities become centers and capitals because of water and urban concentration. 这样既不会遗漏重要情节,又可以养成考场上答题时快、准、狠的特点。
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