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发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The first paragraphs of a passage can help you make predictions about the context of a passage.

  The first paragraph often contains

  the topic sentence

  a definition of the topic

  the authors opinion

  clues to the organization of the passage

  If you understand the first paragraph, you will understand the topic, the authors opinion , and where to look for information within the passage.

  Read this first paragraph of a passage on the illness, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

  Obsessive-compulsive disorder is clinically diagnosed as an anxiety disorder. This disorder affects up to 4 percent of adults and children. People who suffer from this debilitating disorder have distressing and obsessive thoughts, which usually cause them to perform repetitive behaviors such as counting silently or washing their hands. Though OCR sufferers understand that their obsessions are unrealistic, they find it stressful to put these intrusive thoughts out of their minds. Those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder develop strict behavioral patterns that become extremely time-consuming and begin to interfere with daily routines. Many people with OCR delay seeking treatment because they are ashamed of their own thoughts and behavior.

  Topic Sentence

  Obsessive-compulsive disorder is clinically diagnosed as an anxiety disorder.

  Definition of Topic

  People who suffer from this debilitating disorder have distressing and obsessive thoughts, which usually cause them to perform repetitive behaviors.

  Authors Opinion

  None given.

  Organizational Clues

  The author may discuss

   Obsessive behavior,

   Stress of sufferers, and/or





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