雅思听力考试中常常出现的概念替换题中,这些概念通常是不熟悉的,或者很容易产生误解的。此类题目通常会以从句的形式出现,如is who/is when./is that./beingis.或者以一个简单句sth be/sth do出现
例1:Cambridge 3 Test 1 Section 4 Question 36
Being overweight
A. is a major source of back pain
B. worsens existing back pain
C. reduces the effectiveness of exercise.
解析:结合题干和选项,本题要求对超重作一个解释,是一个简单句,并且AB选项都和back pain有关,C选项则和exercise有关。原文中提到back pain时说到:the weight will increase the strain and make things worse,因此B选项为正确答案。
例2:Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 4 Question 31
Corporate crime is generally committed
A. against individual B. by groups C. for companies
解析:题目要求对corporate crime进行解释,是一个简单句,补充的为一个介词短语,三个选项都和犯罪主体或对象有关。原文用be defined as来引出定义:crime which is committed for the corporate organization-the company-not against it。几乎和原题是一样的表达方式,因此答案为C.
例3:Cambridge 4 Test 2 Section 2 Question 18
Loans are also available to students who
A. cant pay their rent
B. need to buy furniture
C. cant cover their living expenses
解析:该题为一个复杂句,补充的是一个定语从句来解释哪种学生能得到贷款,并且从选项中可以发现这种贷款和生活有关。原文中提到:when you move into a new flat, starting up expenses including furniture for it can be covered by a loan。因此B为正确选项。
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