J.S.巴赫,德国作曲家、管风琴家,管风琴家和市镇乐师约翰安布罗西乌斯巴赫之子。J.S.巴赫10岁时父母双亡,赴奥尔德卢夫与兄约翰克里斯托夫共同生活,并在当地学习键盘乐与管风琴。1700年起在吕讷堡圣米夏埃 尔教堂任唱诗班歌手3年,1703年起在阿恩施塔特任管风琴师,1707年起在米尔蒙森任管风琴师。1708年起在萨克斯--魏玛公爵教堂内任管风琴师, 在当地工作9年,由于未被任命为乐长,1717年前往安哈尔特-克藤宫廷任乐正。克藤亲王的兴趣在于器乐曲,巴赫这一时期创作的器乐曲基本为满足亲王的各 种需要,他还创造了大量优秀的键盘乐曲,许多是为自己的独生子而作的练习曲。1722年J.S.巴赫申请莱比锡托马斯教堂合唱队长的职务,未被选中。而因 选中的格劳普纳撤回申请,他又在托玛斯教堂指挥他的《圣约翰受难曲》证明他胜任此职,于1723年5月被任命。余生在托马斯教堂度过,诚挚地为教堂各种仪 式创作受难曲、弥撒曲、康塔塔与经文歌。1740年开始患病,在他生命的最后一年中几乎完全失明。
Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist of the Baroque period. He enriched many established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Many of Bachs works are still known today, such as theBrandenburg Concertos, the Mass in B minor, the The Well-Tempered Clavier, his cantatas, chorales, partitas,Passions, and organ works. His music is revered for its intellectual depth, technical command, and artistic beauty.
Bach was born in Eisenach, Saxe-Eisenach, into a very musical family; his father, Johann Ambrosius Bach was the director of the town musicians, and all of his uncles were professional musicians. His father taught him to play violin and harpsichord, and his brother, Johann Christoph Bach, taught him the clavichord and exposed him to much contemporary music. Bach also went to St Michaels School in Lneburg because of his singing skills. After graduating, he held several musical posts across Germany: he served as Kapellmeister toLeopold, Prince of Anhalt-Kthen, Cantor of Thomasschule in Leipzig, and Royal Court Composer to August III. Bachs health and vision declined in 1749, and he died on 28 July 1750. Modern historians believe that his death was caused by a combination of stroke and pneumonia.
Bachs abilities as an organist were highly respected throughout Europe during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the main composers of the Baroque period, and as one of the greatest composers of all time.
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