Introduction:One night when I was a little girl, I saw a shooting star outside my bedroom window. The next day I told my mother all about it, for she had not seen it. Which one of us was a witness, my mother or me?Did you guess me? Yes, I was the witness because I actually saw the star and could tell what I had seen. In our Bible verse today, God says there are people He has called to be His witnesses.
Presentation:Isaiah 43:10 says, Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen... Explanation:A witness is a person who tells what they have seen and know. You know that a servant is a person who serves and obeys another. Who is the ye? Ye is an old-fashioned word for you and it means those who have believed on the Lord Jesus and know that He has saved them.
Application:If you have believed on the Lord Jesus and know that He has saved you from sin, you are chosen by God to be His witness to tell others what has happened to you. You are also Gods servant, living to please and obey Him, rather than yourself. Daily you and I as believers should be telling others how they can believe on Jesus too. Its a wonderful privilege to be chosen by God to do His work! His rewards will be greater and richer than any on earth, and they will last forever!
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, will you listen to my witness right now?The Lord Jesus saved me from my sin over 40 years ago, and He has kept every promise He has made in His Word! I know that when this body dies, the real Aunt De will go to live forever with the Lord in Heaven. How about you?Wont you come and go with me?You can find out how by going right now to How to Be a Child of God.
如果你还没有相信主耶稣,你愿意听我现在的见证吗?主耶稣基督约40年前救我脱离罪,他现在仍保守他话中给我的每一个诺言!我知道当这个身体死时, 真的安蒂阿姨将会和主在天堂永远活着。你呢?你愿意来和我一起走吗?你能发现现在该怎样走正路,发现怎样成为神的孩子。
Repetition:Lets have fun learning this verse! Can you turn your body toward the sunrise right now as you say the verse, saying the address before and after the verse?Now turn toward your left and say the verse again, then turn to the right and say the verse. Last, can you turn toward where the sun sets and say the verse! And then sing this song with me to remember how to be a witness and a servant for your Lord Jesus!
I will never leave you, I will not forsake you, Lo, I am with you alway! Go and preach My Word!Tell those whove never heard, Pray every day, and watch for MeTo come back soon, and, I will never leave you, I will not forsake you.Lo, I am with you alway.