What should I do? Johnny asked himself as he stared down at his lunch plate. Johnny had received Jesus as his Savior, and he wanted to be a good example to his friends, but sometimes it was so hard! Like yesterday in the lunchroom at school. Johnny had bowed his head and prayed, thanking God for his food. But as he did, he heard some of the other boys laughing at him. Johnny wanted to please God, but he didnt like being laughed at.
我该怎么办呢?小约翰低下头看著他的午餐, 心里琢著。小约翰已经接受了主耶稣做他的救主, 他很希望在同学, 朋友面前为神做一个好的见证。可是, 这并不是一件容易的事。就象昨天在学校的饭堂, 小约翰吃饭之前先低头祷告, 感谢赐给他的食物。可是他听见有人在背后偷偷笑他。小约翰很想做一个讨神喜悦的孩子, 可是他不愿意被别人嘲笑。
What should he do?As Gods children we should always do whats right. But like Johnny, who was laughed at, sometimes Gods children suffer for doing whats right. Suffering for what you believe in is called persecution. We need special power to do whats right when others persecute us. And our Bible verse from Philippians 4:13 tells us the source of that power:I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
他该怎么办呢?作为神的孩子, 我们行事为人要讨神的喜悦。可有时, 因为我们坚持对的事, 就会让我们遇到困难, 就象小约翰。当我们因著坚持我们的信仰而遇到困难, 这就叫逼迫。当有人逼迫我们的时候, 我们实在需要神来帮助我们。圣经在腓利比书4章13节告诉我们这力量的源泉在哪里:我靠著那加给我力量的, 凡事都能作。 是的, 加给我们力量的就是耶稣, 我们的主。
The ?all thingssurely includes the hard times when others persecute us.for believing in the Lord Jesus. Persecution can be the mean or mocking things others say to you because you are a believer. In many places in the world right now, believers are being physically hurt because of their faith. Some are not allowed to attend school, or get a job. Others are dying for their faith in Christ. God promises to give His children the strength to bear persecution.
别人会因为我们信耶稣而逼迫我们。逼迫包括别人对我们的嘲笑, 侮辱。在世界上很多地方, 信主的人还要忍受身体的逼迫。有些人因为信主而不能上学, 不能工作。甚至有人付出生命的代价。但神应许给他的儿女力量来忍受逼迫。
If you know the Lord Jesus, there will be times of persecution for you. You may be mocked and ridiculed for going to church, or for studying your Bible or praying. Others may not include you in their fun times because they dont like your Christian way of life.
如果你已经接受耶稣做你的救主, 你就会碰到逼迫。别人可能会因为你去教会, 念圣经, 祷告, 就嘲笑你。别人很可能玩游戏的时候不让你参加, 因为他们不喜欢督徒做事的方式。
You may begin to feel lonely, and rejected, and want to give up. Can you remember this poem? dont give up, dont give in; dont let the devil make you sin.I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Philippians 4:13. Then pray, asking God to give you the strength to keep on following the Lord Jesus, and to do the right thing when you are persecuted.
你可能会觉得孤单, 被人拒绝, 你心里会很难受。但是, 记住这首诗:别灰心, 莫丧气, 不能中了魔鬼的计, 信靠基督加我力, 凡事行出主美意。然后祷告, 让神加给你力量来跟随耶稣, 即使在逼迫中也不放弃。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, then you are like the ones who persecute believers. Jesus says we are either for Him or against Him. There is no middle ground.Only Jesus, Gods perfect Son, can make you clean from your sin and ready to go to Heaven. Will you go now to ?How To Be a Child of God? Lets say our little poem once again:dont give up, dont give in; dont let the devil make you sin.I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.? Philippians 4:13.
如果你还没有相信耶稣, 那你就站在那些逼迫基督徒的那些人一边。 为什么这么说呢?因为耶稣说我们不是站在他的一边, 就是站在他的对立面, 没有中间的地方。只有耶稣, 神完美的儿子可以洁净你的罪, 使你能去天堂和神在一起。请你去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 并照着去做。让我们再说一遍前面提到的话:别灰心, 莫丧气, 不能中了魔鬼的计, 信靠基督加我力, 凡事行出主美意。然后, 记住我们今天的圣经经节:腓利比书4章13节说:我靠著那加给我力量的, 凡事都能作。
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