As a child, I watched the cheerleaders at a football game. They enthusiastically shouted V-I-C-T-O-R-Y! Victory, Victory is our cry! They wanted our school team to WIN! Do you like to be a winner?God tells us in our Bible verse today how we can be a WINNER in the most important way.I John 5:4b says, this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. I John 5:4b.
小的时候, 我喜欢看为足球队助威的啦啦队员。他们热情地喊着:胜利, 胜利, 胜利是我们的!他们希望他们自己的校对会赢。你喜欢做一个得胜者吗?神在今天的 圣经经节里告诉我们成为一个得胜者最重要的方法。约翰一书第5章4节说:使我们胜了世界的, 就是我们的信心。
To have victory means we win over something. Everyone likes to win, whether its in a race or game, an art contest or spelling bee. But there is a much more important victory, God says. That is to win over the world. The world means the things that keep you from serving the Lord Jesus. Our faith means when we believe God enough to obey what He says, even when we dont understand.
得胜就是我们在一件事上获得成功。每个人都想赢, 不管是一场竟赛, 或游戏, 绘画比赛, 或拼写比赛。但是, 神说, 有一个更重要的胜利, 那就是胜过这个世界。这个世界是指所有防碍你来侍奉主耶稣的事情。我们的信心指因着我们相信神 就遵守他的话, 有时甚至在我们不明白的时候。
If you have believed on the Lord Jesus as your Savior from sin, you already have victory over the everlasting punishment of sin. But this verse is written to believers to remind them that we need to win DAILY over all the ways the world tries to pull us away from God. Every day as a believer, you must battle against three enemies. The Bible calls them the world, the flesh, and the devil. Can you say those three with me?The world, the flesh, and the devil.
如果你相信主耶稣是你的救主, 你已经胜过了对罪永远的惩罚。今天的经节是给 已经信了主的人, 来提醒他们我们每天都要得胜, 声过那要把我们从神那里拉走的世 界。作为一个相信耶稣的人, 每一天, 你都要与三个敌人在打仗。圣经管他们叫做:世界, 肉体, 和魔鬼。请你再跟我说一遍:世界, 肉体, 和魔鬼。
THE WORLD refers to those people and things that draw us away from God, like wrong things on TV:the advertisements that make drinking beer and wine seem like a really cool thing, the programs that have beautiful women dressing and acting so ungodly, and strong, handsome men doing such violent and sometimes filthy things. THE FLESH is our own desire to do wrong.
世界是那些要把我们从神的身边拉走的人或事, 比如电视上不好的节目, 有的广告标榜喝酒很酷, 又的女子穿着举止不庄重, 有的节目充满暴力。
And of course, old Satan, THE DEVIL, has been around a long time as Gods enemy and ours, always trying to get us to sin. He tells us things in our minds that tempt us to sin, like Oh, come on, everybodys doing it. You dont have to tell your mom everything you do. Oh, just this once wont hurt. If youre going to have any friends, you need to have a little fun...
肉体是我们因为自己的欲望而做错事。那魔鬼就是指老撒旦。它是神和我们的敌人, 总是在找机会引诱我们犯罪。它在我们的思想里引诱我们犯罪, 比如:没关系, 别人都是这么做的, 我做也无妨。你不需要把任何事都告诉妈妈。我只干一次, 就一次。如果你要想交朋友, 你就得做一点好玩刺激的事情。
With 3 strong enemies, its hard to have victory! In fact, its IMPOSSIBLE. Like getting past the high strong walls of Jericho! But like Joshua, you have an invisible army working with you! If you have believed in the Lord Jesus, you must just be careful to stay close to Him in prayer and obey His Words in the Bible. Then you can have victory over sin through Gods power! We can look forward to the day we go to Heaven for then the battle with sin is OVER! We will have the final victory over the PRESENCE of sin, because there is no sin in Heaven!
有了这三个敌人, 很难得胜。实际上, 是不可能得胜。好像今天的 圣经故事里那又高又厚的耶利哥城。但是, 象约书亚一样, 也有一支看不见的军队在帮你。如果你相信主耶稣, 你必须用祷告与神亲近, 并顺服神在圣经里的话。那样, 你 就可以借助神的能力来战胜罪。我们等待着那一天, 当我们进入天堂的时候, 我们和罪 的争战就结束了。我们最终会战胜罪, 因为在天堂里没有罪。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, today you can have your sins forgiven and become His child by believing on Him! Go to How to Be a Child of God and take that first step of faith!Lets say that verse again, I John 5:4b this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.Now, lets sing about it!Faith is believing what God says is true, Faith is believing what God says Hell do!Sometimes its hard to trust and not worry, To lean on Gods Word, and not how I feel, Oh Jesus, please help me to trust and obey You, To step out and follow, Whatever Your will!
如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 只要相信他, 你的罪就可以被赦免, 你就可以成为他的 孩子。请你去听怎样能成为神的孩子, 迈出信心的第一步。让我们再说一遍今天的圣经经节, 约翰一书第5章4节:使我们胜了世界的, 就是我们的信心。让我们来一齐唱:信心是相信神话语真实, 全能的主神必永不失言, 纵然人世间风云变换, 靠主话语, 我心更坚。恳求主耶稣, 恩手扶助, 信而顺服, 永远向前。
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