Introduction:Have you ever had your picture on the front page of a newspaper?My brother did! When he was just a teenager, he saved the life of an older man whose heart had stopped beating when he accidentally got an electrical shock. My brothers quick thinking and training in artificial resuscitation helped him revive the man before it was too late. The older man was so thankful to my brother, he served him every way he could! He gave my brother unexpected gifts of money, and just seemed to never tire of showing kindness and thankfulness to him.That is how David felt toward the Lord as he wrote Psalm 116:16.Presentation:Psalm 116:6, Oh LORD, truly I am thy servant.
小朋友们, 你的相片有没有曾经被登在报纸的头版上呢?我的哥哥有!当他十几岁的时候, 有一位老人不小心触电, 心脏停止了跳动。我哥哥救了他。我哥哥迅速的反应和他所受过的急救训练, 及时地使这位老人苏醒过来。这位老人非常感谢的哥哥。想尽各样的办法来报答他。他送给我哥哥各样意想不到的礼物, 好像他怎么样也没有办法表达完他的感激之情。这就是大卫写在诗篇116:16中他对神的感情:耶和华阿, 我真是你的仆人!
Explanation:truly means with all your heart, all your strength, and all the time!Lord is speaking of the Lord Jesus Christ.Application:If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, remember what all the Lord has done for you! He loved you enough to take the terrible suffering and pain for your sin, to die in your place. He saved you from the eternal punishment of hell. Hes preparing a rich and happy home for you in heaven, forever! Jesus promised never to leave you, to be your Helper always in any kind of problem! What should you want to do for Him?You should want to truly serve Him!
大卫说真是 , 就表明他全心全意,尽心尽力地心情。如果你已经相信耶稣, 接受他作你的救主, 那么你要记得主耶稣所为你做的一切。因著爱你, 他为你的罪经历了各样的痛苦, 甚至为你死!他把你从地狱的审判中拯救出来。他为你在天上准备一个永远幸福的家。主耶稣应许他永不离弃你, 他要做你困难中随时的帮助。你应该为他做什么呢?你应该全心全意地来服侍他。
If you have never become Gods child, then you cannot serve Him. But how God longs to show you the richness of His love and salvation from sin! Wont you go now to How to Be a Child of God and take care of that greatest need of your life today?Then you will want to serve the Lord for His goodness to you!
如果你还没有相信耶稣, 你就不是神的孩子。你就不能来服侍他。神是何等渴望把他的爱和他的救恩给你。请你去听怎样成为神的孩子 , 来认识耶稣, 因为这是你生命中最大的需要。然后你就可以因著神的恩典而服侍他, 成为他忠心的仆人。
Review:Why not memorize our short verse and begin every day, even before you get out of bed, saying to God, Oh LORD, truly I am thy servant. Then serve Him throughout the day by showing kindness to others, reading and obeying the Bible, praying, obeying your parents and teachers cheerfully. When you are tempted to be lazy, start writing a list of all the wonderful things Jesus has done for you. Never forget how He gave His own life to save you! This little song will help you remember!Oh, what Hes done for me!Ohhhh, whats He done for me!Ohhhh, whats He done for me!I cant forget all Jesus Christ has done for me!Ill serve Him every day of my life, Thats what Ill do for Him! Because of all that Jesus Christ has done for me!
让我们记住这一节短短的经节, 每一天在起床以前就对神说: 耶和华阿, 我真是你的仆人!在接下的一天里, 你可以籍著这样的事情来服侍神, 比如帮助别人, 读圣经, 顺服神的教导, 祷告, 听父母和老师的话。当你觉得不想去服侍神的时候, 你可以识著把神赐给你的恩典写下来, 不要忘记神为了救你, 舍弃了他自己的生命。
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