Ill call you back tomorrow, I promise! my friend said to me last week. And I havent heard from her since. Did she keep her promise?Ill e-mail you first thing Monday morning, I promise. I said to a friend this past weekend. But then on Monday, I realized, I didnt have his e-mail address, and I COULDNT send him a letter. Did I keep MY promise?
上星期, 我的朋友对我说:明天我会打电话给你, 我保证!但是她到现在还没有打来。那么她是不是说话不算数。上个周末, 我对我的一个朋友说:我保证, 星期一早上第一件事就是发电子邮件给你。但是星期一的时候我才发现, 我没有他的地址, 所以没法发电子邮件给他。那么我是不是说话不算数呢?
How many of you have been disappointed by someone who made promises, but then was not faithful to keep them?Oh, I see all of your hands going up! What about God?Can we depend on Him?The Bible says in I Thessalonians 5:24, Faithful is he who calls you who also will do it.
你们多少人曾经失望过, 就是因为别人说话不算数, 说了, 可又不去做。我想所有的人都有这样的经历。那么神呢?我们能信任他吗?圣经在帖撒罗尼迦前书第5章24节说:那召你们的本是信实的, 他必成就这事。
Who is the he in this verse?Its our true and living God, isnt it! And the you is YOU!! Lets look at the verse this way:The same God Who calls you to do something will be faithful to help you do it! Faithful means you can depend on God, You can trust Him to do what He says He will do. But what does God call you to do?
这里面的他是谁呢?当然是我们这位又真又活的神啦!你们就是你们, 你!这样看这句话:那召你们的神是信实的, 他一定会帮助你来做!信实就是说你可以信靠神, 你可以相信神应许的, 他一定成就。但是神要召你做什么呢?
Application:If you have already believed on the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you are Gods child. He calls you to do the special work He has planned for you. But truly it will be God working through you to do the work! You can trust Him that whatever He calls you to do, He will keep His promise to help you to do that work, no matter how big or impossible it may seem! God keeps His promises, depend on it!
如果你相信主耶稣是你的救主, 你就是神的孩子。他要召你做特别的事情, 他已经为你计划好了。但实际上, 是神在通过你作事。你要相信他, 无论他要你作什么, 无论事情有多么难, 多么不可能, 他都会按照他的应许来帮助你。我们的神是信实的, 要信靠他!
Aunt De has a motto that I say to myself when I face a new problem:Has God ever failed me that I should doubt Him now? I look back and remember how God has helped me through so many trials and problems, and it helps me to keep trusting Him for the new problems! Lets remember some of Gods promises right now! Hebrews 13:5 I will never leave you. Philippians 4:19 My God shall supply all your need.
当我遇到困难的时候, 我总是提醒自己:既然神从不曾误过我, 我为什么怀疑?我回想神怎样带领我经过许多的试炼, 困难, 这些使我更加相信神会继续帮助我。让我们现在就回想一些神的应许。希伯来书第13章5节说:我总不撇下你, 也不丢弃你。腓立比书第4章19节说:我的神必照他荣耀的丰富, 在基督耶稣里使你们一切所需用的都充足。
John 14:2 I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:3 I will come again. And the promise in our Bible verse for today! I Thessalonians 5:24, Faithful is he who calls you who also will do it.
约翰福音第14章2节说: 我去原是为你们预备地方去。14章第3节说:我必再来接你们到我那里去。我们今天的圣经经节是帖撒罗尼迦前书第5章24节:那召你们的本是信实的, 他必成就这事。
If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, will you take time to remember the many times in your life that God has been faithful and kept His promises to you?Will you remember that God is faithful and keeps His promises?Why not write some of those promises on small cards and memorize them?Then when you are tempted to sin, tempted to give up praying and reading your Bible, or when you are facing a big problemyou can recall those wonderful promises! Say them to yourself, and pray the words of those promises to your living God! And share those promises with others!!如果你相信主耶稣是你的救主, 你好不好花一些时间来回想一下, 在你的生活里, 神有多少次对你是信实的, 并且成就他的应许。你要记住神是信实的, 他要照他的应许答应我们的需要。我建议你把神的应许写在小卡片上, 并记住。当你要犯错的时候, 当你不愿意再祷告, 或读圣经的时候, 当你面对生活中的难题的时候, 你可以回想起这些宝贵的应许。你可以提醒自己, 也可以在祷告中向神提起他的应许, 还可以与别人分享。
If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, God is calling you to believe and be saved from your sin. Did you know He also helps you to do that?God gives you the faith to believe what you cannot see! When you finish your Character Checkup, go to How to Be a Child of God, to find out how you can believe on the Lord Jesus today! Lets enjoy a song about Gods promises!Every promise, every promise God has madeHell surely keep it!There has not failed,One word of His good promises!
如果你还没有相信主耶稣, 神正召你来相信他, 他要把你从罪中拯救出来。神会给你信心来相信你眼睛看不到的事。当你听完今天的健康检查, 请你去听怎样能成为神的孩子, 今天你就可以相信主耶稣, 让他来救赎你, 把你从罪中拯救出来。
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