Have ever said or heard someone else say, Ill never forgive you...Did you know thats one of the most dangerous things you could ever say? Listen to what our Bible verse for taday says about forgiving:
Matthew 6:l4 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. Now, we are not going to memorize the next verse, but lets read it. But if you forgive not man their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. You,
来听听今天圣经的话语是怎么说到关于原谅的事:马太福音第6章14节说你们饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必饶恕你们的过犯。接下来的一句是:你们不饶恕人的过犯,你们的天父也必不饶恕你们的过犯。 你们是指你和我,这里的人指的是所有其他的人。
Man, means all other people. Trespasses means sins or wrong things that people has said or done to you. Well, what is it mean to forgive? We kind of konw. But it really means to LET GO. Let go of all the hurt, anger or wrong feeling that you keep having towards those who others because of something bad they did to you. Now if
you know the Lord Jesus as your savior from sin, God commends us to forgive others when they do wrong against us. In the Bible God tells us that if He has forgive us of the many, many sins we commit against Him every day, then we should be able to forgive others of their sins against us. And that happens if we dont forgive? Thats right! We read that, didnt we? Jesus Himself said: our heavenly Father WILL NOT forgive us. Thats a dreadful thought! So we can never afford to say: ll never forgive you!
If you have never asked the Lord Jesus to forgive you and save you from sin, did you know He is waiting and longing to do that for you? He has already finished the work of paying for you sin by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Today the Lord Jesus is ready to save you and forgive you of all your sins, everyone! Ask Him to forgive your sins.
You know, sometimes its very hard to forgive others who have hurt you with their means words or their actions. I have a hard time too with forgiving when some one has done some thing ugly to me, or said some thing bad about me. You know, we can exercise and lift weight to make our body muscles stronger, but where do you get your strength to forgive? That strength comes from the Lord. He gives the power to forgive when some one causes me pain.
Are you thinking of someone who has hurt you by their words, or by something they have done? Remember how your sin hurts God your Creator. How many, many times He has forgiven you! Tell God in prayer that you are forgiving that person. Perhaps you will not be able to be friends with the person who has hurt you, if you know they are still doing those bad things.
God says we are not to have evil companions, friends who do bad things. But we are to forgive them and pray for them. Sometimes we can say we forgive with our mouth, but in our heart we still feel great anger and bitterness. Well, take that to God in prayer over and over, when that feeling comes up. Ask God to take that anger away and put His love there. Hell help you have the power to forgive, not just from your mouth but also from your heart.
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