朱莉安摩尔半裸出镜 拍限量版挂历照-查字典英语网
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朱莉安摩尔半裸出镜 拍限量版挂历照

发布时间:2010-12-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编
Hollywood actress Julianne Moore, who celebrates her 50th birthday on Friday, is among the models who feature in this year's famous Pirelli Calendar。


The black and white limited edition calendar has the theme of mythology and features Moore as Hera, the Greek goddess of marriage and for the first time also features men。


The Oscar nominated actress is the star of critically acclaimed The Kids are Alright and the striking pictures come just months after she posed, semi naked, for jewellery designer Bulgari。

这位被奥斯卡提名的女演员是评价褒贬不一的《孩子还好》里的明星, 而几个月之后这些引人注目的图片就出现了,她为珠宝设计师保加利半裸着摆出姿势。

In fact the campaign, in which her modesty is protected by strategically placed lion cubs, was deemed to risque for the city of Venice and removed after complaints。

事实上这个活动被威尼斯城视为有伤风化并在遭投诉后删除, 这是因为她特意把身体关键部位用幼狮像盖住了。

Moore is joined in the Pirelli calendar, which is also simply known as The Cal, by the Dutch model Lara Stone, the wife of British comedian David Walliams, who is portrayed as the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite。

穆尔是加入的这个倍耐力日历,也被称为The Cal。它是由英国喜剧演员大卫。威廉姆斯的妻子荷兰模特劳拉。斯通创办的。 劳拉在其中被描绘成美神阿芙罗狄蒂。

The Pirelli calendar has been going for more than 40 years and is a limited edition publication given to special VIPs only - Prince Andrew is a regular recipient。

倍耐力挂历已存在了超过40年,并且限量出版,只给特别贵宾 - 安德鲁王子就是常客。 (实习编辑:顾萍)


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