Let’s Buy Some Paint-查字典英语网
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Let’s Buy Some Paint

发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Lets go to Wal-Mart, Elizabeth told Kenneth. She wanted to buy some paint supplies. He suggested that they go to Home Depot instead because employees there could tell them exactly what to buy. After arriving there, Elizabeth found a friendly looking worker who was momentarily free.

  Excuse me, she said. Could you help us? She explained that she wanted to paint her office. Neither me nor my husband knows how to do it, so please tell us the basics, she added. He smiled and told her that it was simple. All they needed were two gallons of white glossy paint, a roller, a tray and an insert to pour the paint in, and an extension-handle to reach the high parts of each wall.

  Dont we need primer? Kenneth asked.

  Oh, yes, of course. I was getting to that. If you dont put primer on first, the paint wont stick to the walls. Here are two gallons of good, but inexpensive, primer. And a brush would be a good idea for use in the corners and edges. And that should take care of it. Just put the primer on first. Let it dry for a couple of hours. Then put on one coat of paint. Let it dry. Then, if you want to, put on another coat, but it shouldnt be necessary.

  As they were putting the items into the trunk, Kenneth told her they should buy a ladder, too. Were going to have to use the brush to paint up near the ceiling. The roller wont do in a corner, Kenneth said.

  We dont need a stepladder. I can sit on your shoulders, Elizabeth laughed. They went back inside and bought a stepladder.



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