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The clever penguins

发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  王蕊教师,Cherry Cox从事少儿英语口语教育多年,注重少儿对英语的兴趣培养,将培养孩子学习英语兴趣作为教育的落脚点,课程涉猎自然拼音课程、音标课程、剑桥少儿英语课程、朗文少儿英语课程,SBS朗文国际英语教程、上海二星、三星口笔试教程等等

  The clever penguins

  The Penguins had a nest with two big white eggs in it.

  Mother Penguin sat on the eggs day after day.Father Penguin went fishing.

  One day Father Penguin came back. Here I am,he said to Mother Penguin.

  You must be hungry.Ill sit on the eggs,now.You can go.

  Mother Penguin went down the hill and into the sea to eat fish.Mother Penguin went out to sea.She stayed out at sea for days,eating and eating and getting fat.

  Father Penguin stayed on the eggs.

  Look out,Mother Penguin!Look out for the hungry seal!seals like to eat fat penguins.But Mother Penguin saw the seal.She jumped out of the sea very fast.

  Clever Mother Penguin!

  Mother Penguin walked back up the hill.She went back to the eggs and the nest.

  She went home to Father Penguin.

  Where are my eggs?she said.Where are they?Look down here,he said.

  Two baby chicks!said Mother Penguin.You are clever!So are you,said Father Penguin.



下一篇: Come on,Tim

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