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发布时间:2016-03-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Should you DUMP your other half?

Website uses an algorithm to predict when you will find The One (or whether you're destined to stay single).


It's a dilemma that many young couples will relate to - whether to stay in their relationship, settle down, or keep their options open by playing the field.


And now a new personality test claims to have found the answer, in the form of a complicated algorithm based on science, data, and a very detailed questionnaire.


Nanaya.co was set up by Rashied Amini, a former NASA systems engineer from Saint Louis, Missouri, in a bid to prove to his then-girlfriend that they should stay together.


Although the pair eventually went their separate ways, Rashied insists that his method can predict your chances of finding your soulmate, when you should settle down, and even how happy you will be in a future relationship.


The findings are based on a variety of factors, from your values, future goals and deal-breakers in a relationship, to your personal experiences of being single.


It also compares your responses to data from the 22,000 other users who have apparently already filled in the questionnaire, to make the results as accurate as possible.


Rashied says the site is aimed at people in their 20s or 30s who are wondering whether they'd be happier being single or committing to a long-term relationship.


The 20-minute questionnaire covers everything from your friends and social life to your job, annual salary, and how many times a year you go travelling. It asks what you look for - and try to avoid - in a potential partner, whether that's their religion or dietary requirements.


Broken up into four sections - you, your match, your life, and final questions - it requires more than 100 responses, including your favourite animal out of a cat, dog, shrimp and monkey.


But can an algorithm really predict your future happiness? Three FEMAIL writers put it to the test...


Aimee Brannen, 31, from north London, who has been with her boyfriend for two years was told she's better suited to short-term romances


She said: 'It told me that I was more "romantically captivating" than most women, which apparently means I'm better suited to short-term romances,' said Aimee.


'However, confusingly, it also said that I'd be better at sustaining relationships than the average woman.


'It suggested I branch out and make new friends, and told me that my chances of happiness being single would peak at around 35 before plateauing, while my happiness being in a relationship would get better as I enter my 40s.


'Although I'm in a happy relationship now, I always expected to be settled down by the time I was 35 so the predictions are more or less in line with my future plans.'


Sarah Barns, 26, from east London, has been in a relationship for four years but was told she might struggle to foster long term relationships.


'It said I wouldn't be good at fostering a long-term relationship'


Barns has been with her boyfriend for four years. 'The results suggested that other women may be better at fostering long-term relationships than me,' she said.


'It also said that I'm "less picky" than other women, which might be because I said I wasn't bothered about what job or religion a potential partner followed.


'It did say that my odds of finding a compatible partner are higher than for most women which was heartening, but that might just have been because I said I wasn't fussy!


'Apparently my "most compatible groups" are New Mexico, Germany and Africa, which is strange as I don’t regularly go to those places.'


Overall, Sarah wasn't convinced by how accurate the results were, in particular the suggestion that she might struggle to foster a long-term relationship.'


Siofra Brennan, 33, from east London, is engaged but Nanaya says she has a 30 per cent likelihood of meeting her perfect man


She said: The test doesn’t give a particularly positive outlook for my future.


'I’m 33 years old and it reckons that even in two years' time the chances of me finding a good match through my travels, workplace, city and friendship circle are just over zero per cent.


'It doesn’t seem to think I will find a good match until the age of 39, and even then my chances are only 50/50.


'I think the test seems quite flawed as it asks your relationship status, but then seems to base its findings on your future romantic possibilities rather than taking into account where you’re at in your life right now.'



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