澳洲奇女子 梦中买买买-查字典英语网
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澳洲奇女子 梦中买买买

发布时间:2016-02-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

FOR most of us, sleep is the only time during the day where we can get away from our screens and get a bit of rest.


But not for 27-year-old Rikki Mortimore, who shops online in her sleep.


“I’ve spent around $1500 so far, but I’ve returned around 85 per cent of the items I’ve bought,” Rikki, who works as an online designer in Sydney, told news.com.au.


Rikki says her abnormal sleep behaviour is only a few months old, which she thinks stemmed “from a few incidents as a child”.


“When I was a kid, I would sometimes sleepwalk,” she said.


“Once, I walked through my house and straight to our alarm system. It was switched off that night, but I typed in the pin and set the alarms off in the middle of the night.


“My mum found me standing there as sirens were going off around me. It was a one off incident, so we didn’t take it seriously and seek treatment.”


During her teenage years, Rikki would often set three alarms during high school, because while asleep, she would switch each clock off and in turn, run late to school.


She has recently been diagnosed with insomnia, and is now taking non-addictive medication to assist with a healthy sleeping pattern.


But Rikki admits her strange sleeping behaviour didn’t start with online shopping.


“When I first started waking up, I would go to sleep and wake up wearing different clothes,” she said.


“The shopping incidents started when I fell asleep next to my laptop. When I was asleep, I guess I would just use it and go to websites I had visited during the day.”


Admittedly a big ASOS fan, Rikki said her fingers do all the talking when it comes to her sleep shopping stints.


“During the day, I look obsessively at ASOS, so my fingers know where to go,” she said.


“I have heaps of things in my shopping cart online just waiting. But most of the time I am buying things that I would never buy, so I must browse in my sleep.


“My last order, I brought jumpers and swimsuits, which I really don't want. I never go swimming! I haven’t in three years!


“I also bought three pairs of the same shoes once.”


From blazers, skirts and shirts, Rikki now keeps a box under her desk where she collects the unwanted items, which she will return to the online retailer before the refund date expires.


“Sometimes I actually like what I have bought while asleep, but a lot of the time it’s too big and it has to go back.”


Rikki and her partner laugh at her shopping habits now, but admit she has recently taken extreme measures in a bid to reduce her addiction.


“I’m really worried what I might actually buy one day, like a flight overseas or something similar,” she said.


“As a measure, I have taken my credit card details off websites, and even hidden my laptop in the bathroom so I won’t be able to find it while I’m asleep.


“I was looking at a beautiful handbag online the other day, but had to delete it from my history so I didn’t drop $3000 in my sleep,” she laughed.


The National Sleep Foundation suggests sleepwalking and parasomnia originates during deep sleep, and is much more common in children than in adults.


The act of movement and activity while asleep is sometimes an inherited trait caused by lack of sleep or even stress, drugs and other medicines.


Parasomnias include abnormal acts like eating disorders while asleep, nightmares, sleep paralysis and sleep aggression.


It is often hard to wake someone during the activity because they are in such deep slumber when the walking or activity occurs. Aside from traditional ‘sleepwalking’ it can also include sitting in bed, walking around the house, leaving the home and in extreme cases, even getting behind the wheel of a car.


“I dealt with a patient recently who was going on a cruise but was a sleepwalker,” Dr Maree Barnes, Sleep Physician and President of the Australasian Sleep Association told news.com.au.


“So I gave him sedatives so he was very sound asleep while on the ship.


“Some other patients are compulsive eaters, sleep walkers and talkers, or even people who get behind the wheel of a car while asleep.


“Basically these are people who have deep rooted psychological issues that are being played out during the night. It’s a matter of keeping people safe until the behaviour ceases to occur, and usually it always is dealt with through psychology and time.”


Sleep Health Foundation of Australia suggests that around three children in 100 sleepwalk often, and approximately five in 100 children sleepwalk sometimes.


In adults, this figure is lower, with only four in every 1000 people still sleepwalking. Statistics indicate that if you sleepwalk or talk as a child, you’re less than a quarter likely to do that as an adult.


“Most people will grow out of it,” Dr Barnes said.


We don’t know why people sleep walk or talk, but we do know that it is not uncommon at some stage of your life to do some for of activity.”


While 4 per cent of the population admit to sleepwalking at least once in their lives, the condition can be easily rectified if treated accordingly. Adults are advised to enlist good sleeping habits, or seek medical advice.


“Main treatment is to keep these people safe,” Dr Barnes said.


“Partners and family members should ensure sleepwalkers can’t get out of the room, out of windows or through the front door.


“Psychologists can explore anxieties, concerns, issues and past events and even worries about the future.


“All of these areas can contribute to these behaviours.”


As for Rikki’s sleep-shopping, Dr Barnes suggests more sleep, and eliminating caffeine, food and alcohol at least one hour before bedtime, and not to rely on prescribed sleeping medication.


“The room should be also quiet, dark and comfortable,” Dr Barnes said.


“Sometimes medication can effect your sleep — its like a circuit breaker. Taking sleeping tablets are not good for anyone in the long term. If the short term interventions don’t work, then a psychologist is the way to go.”



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