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发布时间:2016-02-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

"Grin"is the most popular emoji on the instant messaging tool QQ in China, and was used more than 52 billion times in 2015, according to a report released by Tencent.


从地域结构看,龇牙在各地区都是使用次数最多的表情。 不少QQ用户表示,在交谈时如果一时语塞,就会用龇牙表情来缓解尴尬。 "Smile", "chuckle", "scowl"and "grimace"follow, ranking No 2 to 5 respectively.

排在第二位至第五位的分别是“微笑” 、“偷笑” 、“发呆” 、和“撇嘴” 。


“发呆”和“撇嘴” 有苦说不出

The report was based on the data of more than 860 million QQ users, for whommeans polite, cute, and friendly, and has become the best way to say hello when chatting online.

该报告的数据采集自超过8.6亿QQ用户,他们认为“龇牙”表情 礼貌、可爱而又友好,因而是网上搭讪的不二之选。

星期一最活跃,星期五线下忙 从时间上看,周一的表情发布量是最高的,达11亿7千万次,这个数字什么概念呢?大约为日本人口总数的14倍,而作为周末休息的前一天,周五的表情发布量为9亿6千万次。

Different people prefer different emojis. Though not listed in the top 5, icons of crying are popular among women and kids.



Females like the emoji "sob"most, which is also used to represent acting like a child. Kids and teenagers between the age of 5 to 15 favor "whimper", which is frequently used for an icon representing tears.

女性最喜欢“流泪” ,让人觉得她们童心未泯。5到15岁之间的青少年喜欢“大哭” ,常用来代表泪水。

男性网民使用最多的五个表情分别是龇牙、微笑、发呆、偷笑、撇嘴,女性网民则喜欢龇牙、偷笑、微笑、流泪、撇嘴。 PS:不少女性网友表示,流泪的表情并不是说心情低落,也是一种变相撒娇的形式。


Meanings of emojis change over the years, too.


The emoji "smile"used to represent kindness, but now indicates unhappy and dismissive. For example, one can reply with when he disagrees with and makes fun of others.

“微笑” 曾经表示友好和善,如今却代表不开心和鄙视。例如,在反对并取笑对方时就可以用这个表情。

The emoji "wave"used to mean goodbye, but now is more often used to mean to pretend that "we are no longer friends". For example, one can say "I don't want to see you anymore", which is usually not taken seriously.

“再见” 曾经用来告别,如今却往往用来佯装“我们不能愉快地做朋友了”。比如,我们可以说“再也不见 ”,当然这一般是开玩笑的啦。

The emoji "laugh and cry", which was chosen as the word of the year of 2015 by the Oxford English Dictionary, is a new star with several different meanings, for example laughing out loud, expressing extreme happiness, laughing helplessly, or embarrassment.

“笑哭” 当选为牛津英语词典2015年度词汇,是一颗身负多重含义的新星,表达的含义可以有哈哈大笑、喜不自胜、无力苦笑、尴尬无语等。


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