一周资讯热词榜,一网打尽trending news。CHINADAILY手机报新一期热词榜发榜啦!
1. 25地迈入'GDP万亿俱乐部'
2. 人民币贬值掀起'换汇潮'
3. 史上最严官员'财产申报'
4. 京警方抓获12名'号贩子'
5. '红包照片'除夕将再开放
6. '寨卡病毒'呈爆炸式蔓延
1. GDP万亿俱乐部
one-trillion-yuan GDP club
As of Wednesday, 31 province-level regions had released their local gross domestic product (GDP) data for 2015. Last year, 25 provinces joined the "one-trillion-yuan GDP club".
"GDP万亿俱乐部"是指中国国内生产总值(gross domestic product, GDP)总量超万亿元的省区市。GDP达到万亿被许多人认为是衡量地方GDP(local GDP)的一个门槛,也被认为是衡量地方经济发展(local economic development)水平的一个标准。
去年GDP总量在三万亿以上的省区市有广东、江苏、山东、浙江、河南和四川,其中广东、江苏两省GDP总量首次迈入7万亿大关(top the RMB7 trillion mark for the first time)。增速方面,全国有23地GDP增长(GDP growth)超过7%,重庆、贵州、西藏的GDP增幅达到两位数(double-digit GDP growth)。
国民生产总值 gross national product (GNP)
经济增长率 economic growth rate
GDP增长目标 GDP growth target
GDP统一核算体系 unified GDP calculation scheme
人均可支配收入 per capita disposable income
居民消费价格指数 Consumer Price Index (CPI)
经济下行 economic downturn
2. 换汇潮
currency exchange boom
The renminbi's fall to a five-year low against the US dollar has triggered a currency exchange boom on the Chinese mainland, forcing the regulator to strengthen intervention to ease capital outflow pressure.
这里的"换汇潮"(currency exchange boom)是指因为人民币对美元汇率走低引起的外汇兑换(foreign currency exchange)热潮。Boom在这里表示激增,例如常见的婴儿潮(baby boom)、投资热潮(investment boom)、消费热(spending boom)、人口激增(population boom)等,而在婴儿潮时期出生的人都被称为baby boomers。
据悉,有的市民开始加购外币理财产品(foreign currency-denominated financial products),甚至用尽了每人每年5万美元的外汇兑换配额(currency exchange quota)。
国家外汇管理局已开始逐渐利用行政措施来遏制人民币贬值(depreciation of the renminbi)压力,阻止资本外流(capital outflow)。新华社的一篇报道称,市民没有必要为了保持资产价值(preserve the asset value)将人民币换成美元,人民币计价的投资产品(renminbi-denominated investment products)收益仍高于美元计价产品。
近日,国家外汇管理局发言人表示,我国外汇储备充裕(abundant foreign-exchange reserves),截至目前没有出台任何限制购汇(foreign exchange purchasing)和付汇(foreign exchange payment)的新规定。
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve
汇率中间价 central parity rate/reference rate
浮动汇率机制 floating exchange rate system
买入汇率 buying rate
卖出汇率 selling rate
3. 财产申报
asset report/declaration
With the Spring Festival just around the corner, the upper echelons of officialdom are preparing to submit their annual asset reports to the Communist Party of China.
房产车库少报1个平米要求写情况汇报、网上理财余额宝也需填在其他事项中、"吊销未注销"企业也需申报……今年的领导干部个人财产申报(personal asset declaration/report)比以往的要求更细,被称为"史上最严"(the strictest ever)财产申报。官员"申报个人财产"可用declare/report personal assets来表示,收到申报后由相关部门"公布"也可以用declare表示。
2010年,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《关于领导干部报告个人有关事项的规定》,需要如实汇报的个人事项(personal matters)包括婚姻状况(marriage status)、出国(境)(overseas travels)、收入(income)、配偶及子女从业(the employment status of their spouses and children)、本人、配偶及子女的投资(investment)、股票(stocks)、基金(funds)、房产(property)等14个方面。2015年,因不如实报告个人有关事项(be dishonest in filing personal reports)等问题被取消提拔资格(be disqualified from promotions)的副处级以上干部有3900多人,受调离岗位、改任非领导职务、免职(removal)、降职(demotion)等处理的124人。
裸官 naked officials
公开收入 disclose income
换岗 job reshuffle
后院腐败 backyard corruption
失职渎职 dereliction of duty
滥用职权 abuse of power
4. 号贩子
hospital appointment scalper
Beijing police have arrested 12 people scalping outpatient appointments in three downtown hospitals following a viral video that showed a furious woman at a hospital blaming scalpers for her failure to get a ticket.
近日,一东北口音女子在北京广安门中医院(Guang'anmen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital)怒斥黄牛抢号的视频引发舆论哗然(trigger widespread public outcry),女子在医院大厅斥责黄牛(scalper)将300元挂号费炒到4500元(hike up the registration fee from RMB300 to RMB4,500),并存在医院保安与号贩子勾结的情况(collusion between security staff at the hospital and scalpers)。北京警方28日通报称,在广安门中医院共抓获号贩子7名,其中4名作拘留(in custody)处理。
国家卫计委宣传司司长毛群安回应称,国家卫计委对此事高度关注,已责成北京市卫计委进行调查(look into the incident),对于医院工作人员(medical staff)和号贩子里应外合的一定严肃查处(be severely punished)。北京警方称,将与卫生部门合作(cooperate with health authorities),严厉打击号贩子倒号行为(crack down on scalping at hospitals)。
虽然现在可以通过官方指定网站(authorized websites)和智能手机应用(smartphone applications)预约挂号,但却难防网络号贩子的高科技"渗透"。号贩子猖獗(scalping remains rampant)的根源在于优质医疗资源稀缺(the scarcity of quality medical resources)和配置不均衡(unequal allocation)。
门诊预约 outpatient appointment
药品加成 medicine markup
诊疗费 consultation fee
分级诊疗制度 hierarchical medical system
医患纠纷 doctor-patient dispute
医患关系 doctor-patient relationship
5. 红包照片
red envelope photo, pay-photo
WeChat Tuesday launched a test run of its new function which allows users to upload a private photo that will be automatically blurred and charge their friends a small amount of fee if they want to view a clear version of the picture. The new function is called the "red envelope photo".
朋友圈这一针对春节的新功能(a new function tailored for the lunar New Year)在短时间内引发了用户的热情(arouse users' enthusiasm),约1800万名用户参与试运营(participate in the test run),一时间,朋友圈被毛玻璃效果照片刷屏(feeds full of blurred pictures),其中不少还配上了暧昧文字(many accompanied by flirty captions)。不过,红包照片在上线一个多小时候后迅速下线,不少人戏称之为朋友圈中的一阵"雾霾"(many joke that their timelines are experiencing "smog")。
对此,微信团队回应称,关闭功能缘于达到测试目的,提前结束也不是因为涉黄;外界流传的该功能引发涉黄信息传播(trigger the spread of pornographic information)的情况,是与事实不符的;一直以来,微信对于朋友圈的涉黄信息都有严格的审核机制(a strict review system)。他们透露,在除夕当天,红包照片功能会再次上线(go live)。"红包照片"事件也被认为是支付宝和微信红包大战(red envelope battle)擦枪走火的开始。
压岁钱 lucky/gift money
现金红包 cash-filled red envelope
购物券红包 coupon-filled red envelope
电子红包 digital/electronic red envelope
移动支付 mobile payment
6. 寨卡病毒
Zika virus
The Zika virus, linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies in Brazil, is "spreading explosively" and could infect as many as 4m people in the Americas, the World Health Organization said on Thursday.
1947年,人类在乌干达一只猕猴体内发现寨卡病毒。2007年,位于西太平洋的密克罗尼西亚联邦雅浦岛首次爆发寨卡疫情(Zika epidemic)。而此前,全球只有极少数人类感染寨卡病毒的报告。去年10月至今年1月,巴西新生儿小头症疑似病例(suspected cases of microcephaly in which babies are born with abnormally small heads and brains)将近4000例,而巴西往年平均每年新生儿小头症的患者数量只有163人,寨卡病毒被怀疑是罪魁祸首。再过两周左右,巴西狂欢节即将到来(Brazil's Carnival is due to start in about two weeks),届时将有来自世界各地的游客前来巴西参与其中。而还剩不到200天,里约热内卢将举办在南美洲的首届奥运会。现如今,寨卡病毒的爆发(Zika virus outbreak)给巴西旅游业蒙上了一层阴影(cast a shadow over its tourism)。
寨卡病毒可通过蚊子叮咬传播(mosquito-borne)给人类。寨卡病毒感染者(infected individuals)中,只有约20%会表现轻微症状(develop mild symptoms),如发烧、皮疹(rash)、关节疼痛(joint pain)和结膜炎(conjunctivitis)等,症状通常不到一周即可消失。然而,如果孕妇感染,胎儿可能会受到影响,导致新生儿小头症甚至死亡。目前没有对抗该病毒的疫苗和治疗方法(there is no vaccine or treatment for Zika virus),抗击寨卡病毒的行动(the effort against the illness)主要侧重于保护人们不受蚊子叮咬(protect people from mosquitoes)以及灭蚊(reduce mosquito populations)。
世卫总干事(director-general)陈冯富珍表示,寨卡病毒的传播已从一个轻微的威胁上升至令人担忧的程度(have gone from a mild threat to one of alarming proportions),并称世卫将于周一召开紧急会议(convene an emergency meeting),确定如何应对。欧洲国家丹麦和瑞士27日分别报告境内首次发现寨卡病毒感染病例。由此,寨卡病毒在欧洲再次扩张"版图"。眼下,多个国家已经出台相关旅行警告(travel alert),尤其建议孕妇或准备怀孕的女性公民(advise women who are pregnant or considering it)谨慎前往寨卡病毒肆虐地区(use caution when travelling to regions where Zika virus is rampant)。
传播 transmission
感染 infection
隔离 quarantine
打疫苗 vaccine injection
潜伏期 incubation period
病毒携带者 carrier of the virus
上一篇: 你在哪天过“小年”?知道这些习俗吗?
下一篇: “摩托大军”返乡高铁专列开启
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