The "seven-year itch" has turned into a "five-year itch" among Chinese couple who stand to experience a marriage crisis between three and five years after tying the knot, according to a recent marriage report.
北京大学社会调查研究中心近日发布的《2015年中国人婚恋状况调查报告》显示,由于要操持家务(doing household chores)、带孩子(taking care of children)、买菜做饭(buying groceries and doing the cooking)、照顾老人,同时还要上班赚钱,女性比男性更觉得自己的婚姻不幸福(feeling less happy than men)。这种压力和不幸福感更多出现在有小孩的家庭。
Couples who have been married for three to five years are the least happy, with 11.1 percent saying they would not stay with one another in the next life while another 8.9 percent say they would not consider marriage at all, according to the report.
据悉,婚外恋现象(extra-marital relationships)并不只是发生在已婚男性身上,婚姻中出现第三者(paramour)情况中,男方、女方占比相当,各占20%,而双方都有出轨(having relationships outside marriage)的情况也不鲜见(近10%)。
百合网婚恋研究院院长周小鹏认为,“痒”(itch)说明夫妻双方在婚姻中需求增大(more demanding in marriage),也说明在遇到婚姻问题时,寻找外遇以及离婚的成本(costs for a divorce)越来越低,“更换”的解决方式取代了“修补”(fixing the problems)。
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