What if Santa was a woman - could she do the job? That's the question an advertising agency posed.
The answer, according to the four to ten-year-olds they asked, was a resounding 'No'.
Faced with this light-hearted Christmas quiz, the little ones wilted under the pressure of predictable gender stereotypes.
One boy claimed a lady Santa wouldn't be strong enough to carry the sack ('She would need to go to the gym first'); another said she would 'get lost in the sky'.
A little girl said Mrs Claus wouldn't be able to wrap the presents because her baby would get in the way and, more worryingly, one claimed a woman would fail because she would 'just get a headache'.
The one comment that could make women cross, though, was the child who reckoned a woman Santa would be good at 'bossing around the elves'.
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