“恨谁给谁买”:火爆圣诞礼物 逼疯孩子家长-查字典英语网
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“恨谁给谁买”:火爆圣诞礼物 逼疯孩子家长

发布时间:2015-11-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Each year as Christmas rolls around, there always seems to be one toy that appears on every child's list to Santa.每年圣诞节来临的时候,总有那么一款每个孩子都想要的圣诞礼物。

But this year, that toy is quickly becoming the cause of despair amongst parents - many sick of spending hours removing the small spiky balls from their child's long hair.


Social media has been flooded with images of tangled tresses and warnings from parents about the popular Bunchems pack, which is made up of over 400 sticky, squishy marble-sized building balls - each adorned with tiny hooks.


The description alone was a red flag for many, but those who didn't foresee the potential of the colourful balls to become wedged in hair found out the hard way.


'A toy spawned from the darkest depths of hell,' one disgruntled customer wrote.


'Horrible, horrible, horrible toy for kids. I just spent the last TWO AND A HALF hours (absolutely, 100 percent not an exaggeration) attempting to remove 14 of these b*****d balls out of my daughter's hair.'


'Buy this toy for someone if you hate them or their child. They are the most incredible choking hazards on the planet. They bring pain and misery, tears, fighting, broken and ripped hair, and questions of one's sanity in handling life in general.'


'Great if you want to pay $200 to have them professionally removed from the hair,' another wrote.


'I am a hairstylist and spent a total of 4 hours removing these from a little girls hair today! She had 45 of them matted into her hair! 4 hours of pain and $200 later ..... Not really worth it.'


But considering Target Australia has already sold out of the Bunchems Mega Pack, the reviews appear to be making little impact on parents shopping for Christmas and many stand by the controversial toy.


'These are awesome. Reading these reviews are ridiculous. These are such a good toy,' a frustrated Dad wrote.


'Hair tangles? The warnings are both on the instructions and box. How do these possibly get SO ENTANGLED in hair, when they are "brushed against"? No, your kids are obviously doing something they shouldn't be doing.'


'Let's say you have a Honda, and got into an accident. Would you call the dealership or manufacturer? No. Blame yourself, or the at-fault person...this infuriates me. This is such a creative toy. Builds motor skills, and enhances creativity.'








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