Li Shuchun, 4, and his 7-month-old brother Li Shuhan, live in Beijing with their parents who are among the 1.07 million out of 11 million eligible couples applied to have a second child by the end of last year. [Photo by Wang Nina/Provided to chinadaily.com.cn]
China further relaxed its more than three-decade-old family planning policy, according to a statement issued on Thursday by the Communist Party of China Central Committee. The statement said the country's aging trend would be actively addressed by the universal two-child policy.
“全面二孩政策(the universal two-child policy)即允许全面实施一对夫妇可生育两个孩子政策。这是继2013年,十八届三中全会决定启动实施“单独二孩政策(two-child fertility policy for couples where either the husband or the wife is from a single-child family)之后的又一次人口政策调整。
20世纪70年代末,中国为减缓人口过快增长(slow the population growth rate)推出了计划生育政策(family planning policy)。30多年后,我国人口发展呈现出重大转折性变化。人口总量增长势头明显减弱,老龄化程度不断加深,人口红利(demographic dividend)逐渐消失。十八届五中全会决定全面实施一对夫妇可生育两个孩子政策,积极开展应对人口老龄化(aging of population)行动,促进人口均衡发展(improve the balanced development of population)。
双胞胎 twins
三胞胎 triplets
四胞胎 quadruplets
五胞胎 quintuplets
龙凤胎 pigeon pair
而随着人口总量增长势头明显减弱,我国老龄化程度不断加深,人口红利(demographic dividend)逐渐消失。
所以,全面实施二孩政策,是国家积极开展应对人口老龄化(aging of population)行动,促进人口均衡发展(improve the balanced development of population)的一项举措。
Optimize the demographic structure;
increase labor supply;
ease pressure from the ageing population;
help improve the health of the economy.
the universal two-child policy
medium to high economic growth
double its 2010 GDP and per capita income of urban and rural residents by 2020
innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared by all
by 2020 the country will complete tackling regional poverty to build China into a moderately prosperous society in all aspects
rationalize urban layout and agricultural development, and explore clean, safe energy
open development
pursue a mutually beneficial, win-win opening-up strategy
build a "broad community of shared interests"
上一篇: 世卫组织报告将“加工肉制品”列为致癌物
下一篇: 十八届五中全会公报五大关键词
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