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习大大访英 外媒怎么看(双语)

发布时间:2015-10-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

纵观上周的资讯事件,无论是重要度、话题度、关注度,习大大访英毫无疑问都是No. 1。习大大访英期间,国际社会及媒体高度关注、全面报道,多家外媒第一时间对习近平访英进行跟踪报道。从英国超规格的王室礼遇,中国领导人首次在英国议会发表演讲,到中英签下总价值400亿英镑的大单,再到习卡泡吧行,外媒又一次被习大大花式刷屏。

Wall Street Journal



China's Xi Meets Royals, Officials on First U.K. State Visit

习近平开启首次访英之旅 会见王室成员、政府官员

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived for his first state visit to the U.K., where members of the royal family and government officials greeted him Tuesday as Britain seeks to bolster ties with the world’s second-biggest economy.


Mr. Xi and his wife, Peng Liyuan, took part in a lavish procession, riding in a horse-drawn carriage to Buckingham Palace, where the pair had lunch with Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip.


Mr. Xi, in an address later to members of Parliament at Westminster, spoke about the "deep mutual affection" between the two countries and his belief that his visit would build relations.


Language tips:

Address、speech和lecture都有演讲的意思,Wall Street Journal的报道在提到习大大的演讲时选用了address。这是因为address指的是在庄严隆重的场合作精心准备的演讲或正式演说;而speech指一般的发言或讲话,可以是事先准备的,也可以是即席的,而lecture侧重带学术性的演讲。

这篇报道中,出现了两个可以表示英国议会的词语,不知道你注意到了吗?除了大家耳熟能详的parliament,Westminster也可以指代英国的议会。Westminster(威斯敏斯特)是伦敦所辖的威斯敏斯特自治市(the City of Westminster)下属的一个地区,为英国议会大厦、唐宁街以及许多政府机关的所在地,因此人们也用Westminster来喻指英国议会或英国政府。

The Guardian



Xi Jinping signs nuclear deal as UK and China clinch £40bn of contracts

中英400亿英镑大单成交 习近平签署核电站协议

China and Britain have signed multi-billion pound business deals, including for the project to build a nuclear power station in Britain, during day two of the Chinese president’s first state visit to the country.


Xi Jinping and David Cameron on Wednesday attended a UK-China business summit at Mansion House, where the focus was on investment, infrastructure and innovation.


Cameron said at the press conference after the two leaders met: "A strong relationship is in both our countries’ interests, not just because it brings investment and jobs and higher living standards for our peoples – vital though these things are."


"The more we trade together, the more we have a stake in each others’ success and the more we understand each other, the more we can work together to confront the problems that face our world today."


Language tips:

Summit作为名词表示“山峰,最高峰,上文中体现的是summit的另外一个含义,即“峰会,首脑会议。Summit作为形容词还有“国家元首之间的, 最高级的之意,例如:a summit conference(最高级会议)。

Stake指的是竞赛、冒险行为中的“赌注,have a stake in something,在某事上下了赌注,意思就是“与…有利害关系,与…息息相关。还有一个跟stake相关的短语也经常出现在资讯报道中,at stake,这个短语的意思是成败难料,得失都有可能,有风险。例如:About 3,000 jobs are at stake if the company moves to another state。


David Cameron defends China business deals


David Cameron has defended the UK's business links with China as he said deals worth £40bn had been struck during President Xi Jinping's visit.


Mr Cameron hailed a deal giving China a 30% stake in a new nuclear plant.


The PM said the two countries could maintain a "strong relationship" while having "necessary and frank discussions" about issues like the steel industry and human rights.


Language tips:

提到“达成协议,首先出现在你脑海里的短语是什么?小编猜是reach an agreement,也许还有come to an agreement?卡梅伦教给大家一个新的表达:strike a deal(达成交易/协议)。

Strike这个词也是资讯报道中的高频词,比如French air traffic controllers went on strike yesterday to demand better working and retirement conditions,这里的strike是名词,表示罢工,它也可以做动词,The trade union decided to strike the whole country。如果哪里发生了地震,你一定可以看到报道中使用an earthquake strikes somewhere这样的表达,strike在这里表示疾病或灾害等突然爆发,除了earthquake,strike还可以和drought、flood、plague、tornado、storm、snowstorm乃至今年上半年害得大家人心惶惶的的MERS(中东呼吸综合征)搭配使用,可谓相当万能。




China leader Xi Jinping hails 'shared interests' with UK


Britain and China are becoming "increasingly interdependent" parts of a "community of shared interests", Chinese President Xi Jinping has told MPs and peers in an address to both Houses of Parliament.


Speaking in Mandarin, Mr Xi said that he believed his four-day State visit to the UK was helping to lift the friendly relationship between the two countries to "a new height".


The address, in the lavish surroundings of Parliament's Royal Gallery, is a high point of the first state visit by a Chinese leader for 10 years.


Language tips:

Shared interests是“共同利益,community of shared interests则是“利益共同体,这是此次习大大访英之行的又一个关键词。

Peer想必大家也不陌生,可以指同龄人或同等地位的人,但在英式英语中,它还有“贵族(a member of a nobility)之意。

MPs and peers这个表达与英国的议会体系有关。英国的议会为两院制(bicameral),由上议院(the House of Lords)和下议院(the House of Commons)组成,上议院又称贵族院,下议院又称平民院,两院的名称相当直白地反映了议员的出身。虽然上议院是议会的一部分,但上院议员的称呼并不是MPs(Members of Parliament),而是peers,更加正式的称呼是Lords of Parliament。在实施两院制的国家,MP通常专指下议院的议员,因为上议院和上院议员通常有另外的称呼,比如Senate和对应的senator。所以上文里的MPs and peers指的就是上下议院的议员啦。

Britain to Grant China a Large Stake in Nuclear Industry


In an important breakthrough for Chinese industry and global influence, the British and Chinese governments agreed on Wednesday to give China a substantial stake in the British nuclear industry, both as an investor and as a contractor.


The deal was the commercial highlight of President Xi Jinping's pageant-filled, four-day state visit to Britain, which is eager to get more Chinese investment and to export more British products to China.


In a short news conference after signing the deal, the British prime minister, David Cameron, called the agreement historic and said it would produce thousands of British jobs. “The stronger the relationship between our countries, the more we'll be able to have a serious dialogue on areas of disagreement, Mr. Cameron said.


Language tips:

标题中的grant表明,让中国参与英国的核电厂建设是政府点头同意的,这在第一段里就有明显表示“the British and Chinese governments agreed。Grant作名词时指“(政府)拨款、补助金,比如:They'd got a special grant to encourage research.

这次核电厂协议是习主席访英行程中的一大亮点,大家都知道,不过因为受到了英国方面盛大的欢迎,所以NYT用了一个pageant-filled来形容这次访问,可见,所到之处都是受到了盛情款待。看到pageant,大家可能首先想到的是选美比赛,其实,这个词可以用来形容各种“盛会、盛大的场面,比如:Last year's Christmas pageant drew a standing-room-only audience of 60。

International Business Times



Xi Jinping hails UK-China 'friendship' at Buckingham Palace banquet


Chinese President Xi Jinping kicked off his first state visit to the UK by hailing the "friendship" between the two countries, which he expects to hit a "new height". At a Buckingham Palace banquet, Xi said China and Britain were partners who had the same goals and vision and paid tribute to their alliance during World War II.


The Queen said that this was an "unprecedented year of co-operation and friendship" between the two countries. Earlier, Xi was formally welcomed by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh on Horse Guards Parade.


In a speech to MPs in Westminster, the Chinese president said he was "deeply impressed by the vitality of China-UK relations". He will meet Prime Minister David Cameron at Downing Street on 21 October and is expected to put pen to paper on Chinese investments into the controversial Hinkley Point nuclear power plant in Somerset.


Language tips:

这段报道中两次出现hail这个词,在这里表示“赞扬、称颂的意思,比如,Faulkner has been hailed as the greatest American novelist of his generation。如果经常看英文的天气预报的话,大家应该会注意到,hail在天气中指的是“冰雹,比如,a sharp short-lived storm with heavy hail(短时强冰雹)。

平时的资讯报道中提到“签署协议多半会用sign a deal之类的表达,但是上文中却用了put pen to paper这样一个很形象的表达,既避免了用词重复,表达的意思也很生动,写作的时候可以用得上。




China's Xi Says U.K. Financial Ties Make Nations Interdependent


President Xi Jinping cited China's ties with the U.K. financial-services sector as he told lawmakers in London that the two countries are becoming “increasingly interdependent.


In a speech to both houses of Parliament on Tuesday, Xi singled out the U.K.'s place as the leading offshore yuan trading center outside Hong Kong and its pioneering issuance of yuan-denominated sovereign bonds, while noting that Britain was the first major western country to apply for membership of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Addressing an audience including Prime Minister David Cameron, Xi said that his four-day visit provides an opportunity to lift bilateral ties to a “new height.


Language tips:

这一段报道里面有两个关键词:interdependent和new height。Interdependent是由inter和dependent构成,前者表示“相互的,后者大家都认识,是“依赖的,组合而成的词表明了两国关系的现状,中文用“相互依存,英文只需一个词。到底哪种语言更简洁?有时候真挺难说。

New height是此次习主席访英之行中继golden era之后的又一个重要关键词。习主席和卡梅伦首相会谈时决定,两国将开启持久(enduring)、开放(inclusive)、共赢(win-win)的中英关系“黄金时代(a golden era),共同构建中英面向21世纪全球全面战略伙伴关系(a "global comprehensive strategic partnership" in the 21st century),两国将在在金融(finance)、能源(energy)、创意产业(creative industry)、签证便利化等领域扩大合作(expand cooperation)。




Xi heads north as Britain seeks Chinese cash for regeneration

习到访英国北部 英方寻求中方投资振兴北部

Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to Britain will end on Friday with the announcement of new air links between China and Manchester, the northern English city at the heart of efforts to rebalance the British economy.


Xi will be accompanied by British Prime Minister David Cameron on a tour of the city designed to attract Chinese infrastructure investment at the end of a four-day visit that sealed 40 billion pounds ($62 billion) of business deals.


Britain has laid on its highest level of diplomatic charm for the Chinese delegation, including an audience with Queen Elizabeth.


Language tips:

标题中的regeneration除了指经济方面的“复兴以外,还可以指皮肤再生,不少护肤品的广告中就经常会用到这个词。习主席提出的“实现中华民族伟大复兴的英文表述the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation中的rejuvenation也有“复兴的意思,只不过,regeneration强调的是重建曾经的繁荣状态,而rejuvenation强调的是通过引入新的制度或举措,使整个组织或制度更有活力、更有效率。

之前说过签署协议的表达有很多种,这里又出现一个seal 40 billion pounds of business deals,常见的更简短的表达是seal the deal。Seal最基本的意思是“封印、印鉴,所以,在合约上盖章封印,自然就是签约成交的意思。




Chinese President Xi Jinping Seals Multi-Billion Dollar Nuclear Power Deal With Britain


Chinese President Xi Jinping has sealed a multi-billion dollar deal to finance nuclear power stations in Britain, crowning a visit that Prime Minister David Cameron hopes will unleash a wave of investment from the world's second largest economy.


After a day of pomp, Communist Party General Secretary Xi on Wednesday turned from pageantry to discussion of 40 billion pounds' ($62 billion) worth of deals with Cameron in his Downing Street residence, where the landmark nuclear deal was signed.


In the first major Chinese investment in a Western nuclear facility, China's General Nuclear Corporation (CGN) will take a one-third stake in the planned 18 billion-pound ($28 billion) Hinkley Point nuclear plant controlled by France's EDF.


Language Tips:


Pomp作名词指“(典礼等)盛况,还有“华丽;壮丽的意思。例如:the solemn pomp of a military funeral. (军事葬礼庄严而华丽。)习大大抵英首日各方面接待的仪礼都盛况空前,用pomp来形容,再贴切不过了。



David Cameron takes Xi Jinping for a pint at his local


David Cameron has taken China's President Xi Jinping for a pint in his local pub.


They visited The Plough at Cadsden, which is a few minutes away from the Prime Minister's countryside home.


The leaders travelled to Chequers as part of President Jinping's state visit to the UK.


Language Tips:

文中的a pint是“一品脱/一扎(啤酒)的意思。在英国口语里,pint可以直接指啤酒,如:Do you fancy a pint? (想喝一杯吗?)说完语言点,再来谈谈这家酒吧。此次“大大的访问意义重大,英国举国上下都非常重视,行程中每个细节都下足了功夫,英相选的酒吧也不例外。“犁并非一家名不见经传的酒吧,由于靠近首相乡间别墅,很多首相都来过这里,此外许多名人也常常光临。中英黄金时代除了数以亿计的大单和西装革履的演讲,也需要轻松,亲民和“接地气的内容。“大大在北京庆丰包子铺吃包子,与人民群众亲密接触已是一段佳话,这回和卡梅伦共赴酒吧,想必也会成为中英两国民众间流传的趣谈。


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