Toyota has unveiled its vision of a “hydrogensociety at an event in Germany, as the scandal overdiesel emissions engulfs Volkswagen, its biggest global rival.
The Japanese carmaker — the world’s biggest by 2014 sales — on Thursday invited the world’smedia to Hamburg for the European launch of its Mirai fuel-cell powered vehicle.
This 60,000 hydrogen-powered saloon forms a key part of the plans that Toyota announcedthis week to cut 90 per cent of its cars’ carbon dioxide emissions between 2010 and 2050.
Yoshikazu Tanaka, chief engineer of the Mirai — which means “future in Japanese — said thevehicle offered “a pathway to a better, safer and cleaner future.
Mirai首席工程师田中良和(Yoshikazu Tanaka)表示,这款汽车提供了“一条通向更美好、更安全、更清洁未来的道路。Mirai在日语中的意思是“未来。
Carmakers worldwide have been looking afresh at how to reduce vehicle emissions in the wakeof the VW test-manipulation scandal. Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles such as the Mirai are seenby some as an improvement on pure electric cars, as they offer range and refuelling time thatis competitive with petrol and diesel models. Toyota’s fuel cell vehicle can travel 550km on itstwo hydrogen tanks, and can refuel in as little as three minutes.
Toyota — along with Hyundai, maker of the ix35 hydrogen car — has been at the forefront ofthe nascent technology, having begun research on the project in the early 1990s.
Toyota says the zero-emission Mirai can achieve an overall CO2 reduction — including factoryproduction — of between 50 per cent and 70 per cent versus conventional petrol and dieselmodels. Its CO2 reduction depends on whether the hydrogen is produced from renewablesources, such as wind and solar, as is the case at four refuelling stations in Hamburg.
Toyota will begin by offering Mirai models to environmentally conscious companies, businessleaders and public bodies in Germany, Denmark and the UK. Early customers include Transportfor London.
丰田首先将面向德国、丹麦和英国的具备环保意识的企业、商界领袖及公共机构销售Mirai汽车。初期客户包括伦敦交通局(Transport for London)。
It says its aim is to almost eliminate the internal combustion engine from its line-up by themiddle of this century.
“There will be almost no gasoline and diesel cars as we approach 2050, said Kiyotaka Ise, asenior managing officer at Toyota, speaking in Tokyo on Wednesday.
“到2050年,我们将基本上不再生产汽油车和柴油车,丰田高管伊势清贵(Kiyotaka Ise)周三在东京发表讲话时表示。
To meet that target, it plans to sell more than 30,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles annuallyworldwide by about 2020, 10 times its sales target for 2017.
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