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发布时间:2015-10-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编


The US is emerging as a serious alternative toHong Kong as the possible headquarters for HSBC,as Europe’s biggest bank by assets considers shifting its base from the UK.


HSBC fired a warning shot to British politicians in April by announcing a review of whether toleave the UK two weeks before the general election. Shareholders welcomed the review, whichwas driven by concerns about excessive tax and regulation.


The UK political climate has shifted in favour of the City of London since the election, withHSBC winning a notable concession on the bank levy, a sector specific tax introduced by theUK government after the financial crisis. But one lawyer who met its executives recently saidthey felt the attitude of the Treasury and regulators was still hostile.

大选后,英国政治气候转向有利于伦敦金融城,汇丰在银行征费(bank levy)方面赢得了重大让步——银行征费是英国政府在金融危机之后出台的专门针对银行业的税收。但一位最近与汇丰高管会晤过的律师表示,高管们感觉英国财政部和监管机构的态度仍不友善。

Hong Kong has long been considered the most likely destination for HSBC if it does decide tomove, as the bank was based there for more than 100 years.


However, growing concerns about the political risk of the bank ending up under Chinese controlhave prompted a rethink, according to people familiar with the matter.


Advisers to HSBC say the US is one of the few countries with an economy big enough to beable to comfortably welcome a bank of its size. Bankers also view US regulation as moreaccommodating of large universal banks.


Douglas Flint, chairman of HSBC, told the Financial Times the bank was “about halfway throughthe process of considering moving its domicile and had “prepared the ground by givingpresentations to the board on the various aspects, like the regulatory and economicframework, but we have not had any discussion of the relative merits.

汇丰董事长范智廉(Douglas Flint)向英国《金融时报》表示,该行正处于考虑搬迁总部的“中途,“董事会听取了监管和经济框架等方面的陈述,做了一些准备。但我们还没有讨论相对利弊。

One top-10 shareholder in HSBC said: “I would say Hong Kong would be the best location asthat is where HSBC have their history, but there is political risk in Hong Kong. The US has to bea serious option. You have a more friendly regulator in the way they look at bank capital andthey have the balance sheet to take on HSBC. I think the US would love to have a bank likeHSBC.


Another top-10 shareholder in HSBC said: “I think longer term Hong Kong must be thefavoured location, if the bank is going to move. But the US is definitely an option too, but Iwould have said it was the second option.



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