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发布时间:2015-10-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The Uber executive in charge of internationalexpansion is leaving the company, as part of abroader shake-up of the taxi-hailing app as itstruggles with regulatory difficulties in Europe andfundraising in China.


Niall Wass, senior vice-president for Europe, MiddleEast and Africa, and Asia-Pacific, was seen as co-founder Travis Kalanick's most senior executiveoutside the US. He will leave the company at the end of the year.

优步负责欧洲、中东和非洲以及亚太业务的高级副总裁尼尔·沃斯(Niall Wass),原本被视为联合创始人特拉维斯·卡兰尼克(Travis Kalanick)在美国以外的最资深高管。沃斯将在今年年底离开公司。



Mr Wass's departure comes after the company underwent a large restructuring over thesummer. Various international business units were brought under a single global umbrella runfrom San Francisco by Ryan Graves, senior vice-president of Uber's global operations,according to people familiar with the matter.

沃斯是在优步今年夏季进行大规模重组后决定离职的。知情人士称,各个国际业务部门被整合到一个全球伞形结构之下,由优步负责全球业务的高级副总裁瑞安·格雷夫斯(Ryan Graves)在旧金山进行管理。

Mr Wass, who previously reported directly to Mr Kalanick, Uber's chief executive, was offereda new role reporting to Mr Graves, but declined the opportunity.


He joined Uber in June 2014, following a six-month tenure as the chief executive of Wonga,the controversial payday lender that was under severe regulatory scrutiny at the time.


Uber said: "Our international business has had hyper-growth with Niall behind the wheel?.?.?.?Niall's contribution goes beyond the business, to the team and culture he has built across theworld. His journey will take him elsewhere next year and we wish him well in his futureendeavours."


Mr Wass declined to comment on the circumstances of his departure, saying only: “Like anyexecutive, I may explore any opportunities but right now I'm still at Uber.


People familiar with the matter said Mr Wass had been “under a lot of pressure from Travisdue to concerns over the app's international rollout.


Mr Wass also oversaw fundraising efforts for Uber's Chinese unit since June at a pre-moneyvaluation of $7bn. In September, Uber said it had closed $1.2bn as part of that round, and wasstill raising funds.

沃斯还负责优步中国部门自6月以来的融资工作,这次融资对该部门的投资前估值(pre-money valuation)为70亿美元。今年9月,优步表示已在这次融资中募集到12亿美元,而且仍在募集资金。

A person familiar with these efforts said Uber's US executives considered the effort to be“expensive, with the Chinese unit raising less money than had been expected.



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