More than 1m Chinese will go on a cruise holiday thisyear — nearly five times as many as in 2012 — astatistic that has whipped the global industry into a record expansion of ship orders and acollective decision to sail the world’s largest and most luxurious mega-vessels eastward.
But the optimism of the cruise companies may be outpacing the reality of the Chinese boom:travel agents have had to deeply discount in order to fill some new ships.
Ship brokers tracking the past two decades of market activity say that in recent months, globalcruise ship investment has entered a new phase. But that observation comes with warningsfrom the past — explosive expansions of the cruise order book in 1999 and 2006 werefollowed by equally spectacular busts.
The traditional market will continue to depend on the retirement spending of baby boomers inthe west but the growth outlook will be shaped by an Asian middle class bursting to spend theirmoney and comparatively short vacations at sea. The question this time is whether theestablishment of new Chinese brands and the development of Asian ports will make for a lessbust-prone pattern.
After an unprecedented 50 per cent year-on-year surge of orders in 2015, the market isexpected to add an additional 146,000 passenger berths by 2020.
North American and European passengers account for 85 per cent of the global cruise marketof 22m passengers a year. But the signals of change are clear.
The Chinese government has thrown its weight behind the cruise industry and expects that4.5m of its citizens will be taking a cruise each year by 2020. A more conservative predictionfrom Morgan Stanley, the investment bank, is for 3m annual passengers, or 10 per cent of themarket.
In South Korea and Japan, which are a few days’ sea voyage from Shanghai and Tianjin, localports are racing to expand their facilities to accommodate the new class of mega-ships, whichcould carry more than 6,000 passengers.
The major cruise companies, led by Carnival and Royal Caribbean, which together account for 80per cent of the Chinese market, have begun sending new vessels to be permanently based inthe east and fitted out with more shopping, more casinos and enclosed sun decks to tailor tolocal needs.
以嘉年华公司(Carnival)和皇家加勒比邮轮集团(Royal Caribbean)——两家公司总共占据了中国市场80%的份额——为首的主要邮轮公司,已经开始派遣新邮轮常驻东方,同时配备了更多的购物场所、赌场以及封闭式日光浴场以满足当地需求。
Last week, Carnival doubled the number of its cruise brands in China to four, with two newships arriving by 2017. Arnold Donald, chief executive, says the company wanted to offer“choice and variety to match “the different tastes and preferences of Chinese travellers.
日前,嘉年华公司将其在中国的邮轮品牌增加一倍至4个,到2017年还将有2艘新邮轮抵达中国。其首席执行官阿诺德唐纳德(Arnold Donald)称,该公司希望提供“多种多样的选择,以满足“中国旅客不同的品味和偏好。
He adds that Carnival may also launch a joint venture with the China State ShipbuildingCorporation and China Merchants Group to build a domestic Chinese cruise brand.
他补充称,嘉年华可能还将与中国船舶工业集团公司(China State Shipbuilding Corporation)和中国招商局集团(China Merchants Group)共同创办一家合资企业,来打造中国本土邮轮品牌。
Royal Caribbean has sent its most advanced ships to China, complete with high-speedinternet, smart bracelets for payments, a 300ft high viewing pod, robot bartenders, a rockclimbing wall, bumper cars and a skydiving wind tunnel, in order to appeal to every generationof Chinese families.
The clearest evidence of the shift, say researchers at the UK-based brokerage Clarksons, hasbeen orders for cruise ships hitting an all-time high. The worldwide order-book as of September1 stands at 41 ships, with a combined value of about $26bn. Once financing and technicalissues are settled on orders placed by Celebrity, Virgin, MSC and Crystal — probably within thenext few months — the total will jump to 51.
In the southern Japanese town of Fukuoka — a destination that has proven popular as adestination for Chinese shoppers — the port operator is lobbying the central Japanesegovernment to allow it to extend the jetties by an additional 330 metres to accommodatethe new Oasis class of cruise ship. Of the 1m Chinese forecast to take a cruise some time in2015, about a quarter called at Fukuoka. A year ago, the port received 99 cruise ships; thisyear it will receive 251.
Gianni Onorato, chief executive of Switzerland-based MSC Cruises, warned that the pace ofinvestment might not be rapid enough.
总部位于瑞士的地中海邮轮的首席执行官詹尼攠诺拉托(Gianni Onorato)警告称,投资速度或许还不够快。
“For sure there will be these millions of Chinese taking a cruise. The main challenge is aboutnot so much the development of ports and destinations inside China, but outside of China, hesays. “Because of the geography it depends on Japan and Korea and so far no one is seeingthe same speed of development.
Relying on China is also a potentially risky strategy. Several ships had to cancel their cruisesto South Korea, one of a handful of key destinations, after an outbreak of the Mers virus thisyear. And the anti-Japan riots of 2012 caused havoc with itineraries. Royal Caribbean did notvisit any Japanese ports during spring and summer 2013.
Another big challenge, however, will be adapting their offering to the Chinese tastes. MrOnorato, for example, pointed out that food is a key part of Chinese culture but consumerstake a different approach to their western counterparts. “There is no clear separation ofbreakfast, lunch and dinner, he says, adding that the company is partnering with leading chefsto modify its food service.
Mr Onorato adds that MSC is creating a new position of “cruise ambassador, a person whowould act as a “tutor of small groups of customers and accompany them throughout a trip.The company is “working now with two main partners for sourcing of crew and training.
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