The 2015 FT Global Executive MBA ranking this yearis remarkable for two reasons. Not only is it the FT’s 100th ranking of business schools, but italso marks the first time thataprogramme that includes a mainland Chinese business school hasoccupied the top position.
2015年英国《金融时报》全球高管工商管理硕士课程(Global Executive MBA,简称全球EMBA)排行榜由于两个原因而引人注目。不仅因为这是英国《金融时报》发布的第100个商学院排行榜,也是因为今年首次有一个主办方包含一所中国内地商学院的项目拔得头筹。
The joint programme delivered by Tsinghua and Insead University (Tiemba) moved up twoplaces to lead the 2015 global executive MBA ranking, dethroning Trium, which drops back tothird place after only one year at the top.
清华大学(Tsinghua)与欧洲工商管理学院(Insead University)合办的Tiemba项目排名上升两位,在2015年全球EMBA排行榜中摘得桂冠,而Trium项目的排名回落至第三,仅在头名位置维持一年时间。
The EMBA ranking rates the best 100 programmes worldwide for working senior executives.The ranking is based on a survey of business schools as well as their students who graduatedin 2012. The data measure how successful alumni have been in their career in terms of salary,seniority and achievements since graduating.
For the fourth year in a row, the top five places continue to be dominated by the same fiveintercontinental EMBAs. Tiemba came top this year not by spectacularly outperforming its rivalsbut thanks to a strong performance across most indicators. In particular, the alumni havethe second highest salary on average ($324,000) behind alumni from the Kellogg/HKUSTprogramme ($408,000). Tiemba is also ranked second for career progression and fourth forwork experience.
Five schools from five different countries are ranked for the first time. Singapore’s Lee KongChian School of Business is the highest new entrant coming straight into 36th place. Canada’sQueen’s Smith School of Business registered the best progression, climbing 32 places to 67th.
来自5个不同国家的5所商学院今年首次进入排行榜。新加坡李光前商学院(Lee Kong Chian School ofBusiness)是新进入者中排名最高的,直接跃居第36位。加拿大女王大学史密斯商学院(Queen’s SmithSchool of Business)的排名提高最大,跃升32位至第67名。
Overall, starting a company ranked lowest among reasons cited for undertaking an EMBA (rated5.5 out 10). Students’ main motivations were learning about management (9.1), networking(8.3) and increasing earnings (8.1).
While 17 per cent of graduates rated starting a company as joint most important reason, only2 per cent of them saw it as their main sole ambition. However, entrepreneurship is clearlygrowing on them, as more than a quarter of graduates (26 per cent) reported starting theirown company during their EMBA or since graduating.
Nearly all the entrepreneurs (93 per cent) rated their new skills as important or very importantin their decision. “I understand the value of my skills without the ‘fear’ of not beingemployed, said one.
Also important to EMBA entrepreneurs was the support of their school and alumni network.About three-quarters of entrepreneurs thought that both the school and their alumni networkwere helpful or very helpful when setting up their company. “Alumni support was key to gettingthe idea vetted and getting the right contacts needed for the business, said one.
About 40 per cent of entrepreneurs did not seek any help when securing finance. Half of theseraised equity purely from their own savings and/or family and friends compared with only 40per cent of those who sought help from the school or alumni network.
About 40 per cent of entrepreneurs derive most of their income from their company with anaverage salary of about $194,000 compared to $171,000 for non-entrepreneurs. Entrepreneursin Asia/Oceania seem to be the most successful. Nearly half (48 per cent) of them earn most oftheir income from their company and earn the highest salary ($251,000 on average), just aheadof those based in the Middle-East ($244,000).
Top programme:Tsinghua/Insead
The Tsinghua-Insead EMBA programme, launched in 2007, entered the FT rankings with a bangin 2012, going straight into fourth place with its very first cohort. The programme has sincebeen ranked second, third, and finally has achieved first place in the rankings this year.
Tiemba scores highly forinternational experience, being delivered half on Tsinghua’s campus inBeijing as well as on Insead’s three campuses in Singapore, France and the UAE.
The programme is ranked second for career progress three years after graduation. Tiemba’sgraduates number only about 250 so far, making them an elite group.— LaurentOrtmans
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