The number of Chinese visitors to Britain in the firstsix months of 2015 reached a record 90,000,a 28percent rise on the same period of 2014, figuresfrom Visit Britain revealed Friday.
Tourism officials are expecting the total number ofChinese visitors for the year to reach more than200,000.
Visit Britain said statistics from ONS, the Office forNational Statistics, show the number of tourists from Middle East Gulf states also set a newrecord.
Visitors from China and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), including Bahrain, Kuwait,Oman,Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, markets indicated their growing love ofBritain as a holiday destination with record numbers visiting during the first six months of2015.
Strength in the numbers of visits from growth markets such as China, rising 28 percent to arecord 90,000 in the first half of the year, and the GCC, with record numbers of visits, 282,000 (a two percent rise), and spend of over $1 billion, up three percent, indicates the success ofregional Visit Britain campaigns and commercial partnerships in both markets, said Visit Britain.
Visits from Britain's two most valuable markets, the United States and Germany, spent recordamounts in the first six months, with visitors from India, Singapore and Sweden also increasedtheir spending during this period.
Britain welcomed three percent more visits over the first six months of 2015, beating last year'srecord figures for the same period. Spending in the first six months of 2015 increased by twopercent, contributing almost $15 billion to the British economy.
Patricia Yates, Director of Strategy and Communications at Visit Britain said: "The UK continuesto be a draw to all visitors and the increase in business visits reflects the return to the UK as aplace to come and do business."
英国旅游局战略传播总监Patricia Yates表示:“英国将继续吸引着来自世界各地的游客。而且,商务旅游的增加也反映了人们不仅把英国作为一个旅游地,也认为英国是个做生意的好地方。
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