An unusual policy by a company in China whereemployees are made to give part of their salary totheir parents has sparked debate online on filialpiety.
The Guangzhou Daily newspaper reported that thecompany, an unnamed beauty salon chain, wanted topromote good moral values among its employees.
Respect for parents is considered a key value in Chinese society and culture.
But the story, widely carried in local media, has triggered discussion on whether the companyhas gone too far.
Most Chinese parents expect, by tradition, to receive part of their children's salaries once theystart earning a wage.
In 2013, China passed a law aimed at encouraging filial piety, mandating that those who liveapart from their elderly parents must visit them frequently.
'Inspiring respect'
The Guangzhou-based chain's spokesman, Lu Meiye, said many of her employees were young,poorly educated people from rural villages.
She said the chain wanted to "inspire filial respect among these employees for their parents,and also help the company maintain its compassion".
Ms Lu said the policy, which has been in place for the past three years, was made clear to everypotential recruit. "Those who disagree with it will not be hired," she said.
The average basic salary at the chain is about 3,000 yuan ($472).
The company automatically deducts 10% of single employees' salaries and 5% of marriedemployees' salaries every month and wires the money directly to their parents.
But it also gives compensation to employees, ranging from 100 yuan for those in their firstyear with the company to 300 yuan for those who have worked three years or more.
The company also holds regular classes for employees where they are taught, among otherthings, about filial piety.
'Salaries for employees, not parents'
The policy was met with mixed reactions online, with many saying the company wasoverreaching and meddling.
"Filial piety is filial piety, and salary is salary.... Salaries are for the employees not for theirparents. They should just mind their own business," said Wangchuanheshangdeyufu, a user ofthe Weibo microblog site.
"The company's intention is good but its methods are too heavy handed. And filial pietyshould come naturally from the heart. This isn't quite right," said JiajiaPC.
Some, like JibekeshiHMJ, felt the company was violating employee rights. "It is distorting themeaning of civic duty... It is also imposing itself on private matters between the employee andhis or her family," said the user.
But some praised the move, saying that more needed to be done to promote filial piety.
"I support this! These days many young people just want to earn money for themselves andspend it on themselves, very few care for their families," said Aileenxiaodi.
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