Think it is tough going up against a dozen otherapplicants for your dream job? How about 2.3million?
The Uttar Pradesh state government, located innorthern India, advertised a job and received thatmany applications in September, the Financial Timesreported. The online ad offered 368 junior posts foremployees who tidy up, bring tea to officials or actas night guards. The monthly starting salary is $240 (about 15,600 rupees), which is above the World Bank estimate of India's average per-capitamonthly income of 8,785 rupees ($135).
The online application called for candidates between 18 and 40-years-old, with at least fiveyears of schooling and the ability to ride a bicycle. More than 250 applicants held doctoratesdegrees and 25,000 held a master's, reported the FT.
Although the national unemployment rate in India is below 5%, job openings remain few andfar between, in large part because of India's dense population and restrictive system of labourlaws, according to the story. Government jobs hold a higher status in India's society thanprivate sector work. Plus, they pay well and offer long-term stability, Raghuram Rajan, centralbank governor, told the FT.
Prabhat Mittal, administrative secretary for the state government, told the FT, “We had notanticipated the situation. In 2006, for about 260 jobs we received 100,000 applications. But innine years, the figure has gone up so much.
Of course, you won't likely find yourself competing against 2 million people for a job, butstanding out is tough in the labour market in many parts of the world. However, there are waysto make your resume and CV stand out. For starters, apply for jobs which fit well with yourskills and experience. Try to make your CV a narrative of your professional life, rather than ageneric laundry list. Tailor each resume or CV toward the specific job and company to whichyou are applying to appear knowledgeable and genuinely interested.
Salsa dancer William Sj?gren got creative when applying for a job… he made a video of himselfand his partner dancing with pieces of paper with his relevant information on their backs.While this may not be appealing for most hiring managers, it certainly made for a uniqueapplication.
Once you've sharpened your resume and CV, check out these tricks to help you ace theinterview.
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