Michael Dell has sealed the biggest deal in techhistory, after his privately run PC maker agreed toacquire data storage maker EMC for about $63bn.
迈克尔戴尔(Michael Dell)已经敲定了了科技界史上最大的一笔交易,其私人经营的个人电脑制造商同意以630亿美元左右的价格收购数据存储制造商EMC。
Dealmaking in the sector has reached the highest level since the dotcom bubble of the late1990s, hitting about $370bn in value. A wider boom in mergers and acquisitions also sawAnheuser-Busch InBev, the Brazilian-backed brewer, yesterday sweeten its offer for London-listed SABMiller to 67bn.
美国科技行业的交易已经触及自上世纪90年代末网络股泡沫以来的最高水平,总值达到约3700亿美元。合并和收购的整体繁荣也见证了巴西人控股的啤酒酿造商百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)昨天把对伦敦上市的SABMiller提出的报价提高至670亿英镑。
EMC shareholders will receive $24.05 in cash plus new shares tied to the value of VMware, amaker of data centre software that EMC already controls.
That was worth about $33.15 per share at last Wednesday’s intraday price — or $67bn for thewhole company — before news of the Dell-EMC talks emerged. But VMware shares fell 11 percent to $70.02 by lunchtime in New York, lowering the headline value of the deal. Shares in EMCwere trading up 1.1 per cent at $28.17.
The unusual structure will enable Mr Dell, who owns about 70 per cent of the company hefounded at the age of 19, to pull off an audacious buyout while retaining majority control ofVMware, which will keep its listing. It comes just two years after he took Dell private in acontroversial $25bn buyout.
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