朱莉大谈育儿经 感慨“当妈很累”-查字典英语网
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朱莉大谈育儿经 感慨“当妈很累”

发布时间:2010-12-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编
Forget being an A-list movie star: Angelina Jolie finds being a mother the tougher job。


The Oscar-winning actress raises six children, Maddox, nine, Pax, seven, Zahara, five, Shiloh, four, and two-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne with partner Brad Pitt, and admits having such a large family can be quite hard and she often finds it more relaxing when she’s out at work。

这位获得过奥斯卡奖女演员与伴侣布拉德-比特共同抚养有六个孩子,九岁的Maddox、七岁的Pax、五岁的Zahara、四岁的 Shiloh以及一双两岁的双胞胎Knox和Vivienne。对朱莉来说,操持这一大家子人的确不是件容易之事,在她看来,有时候在外工作反而成了一众放松。

She said: “When me or Brad go away and work on films it gives us a bit of a break from the daily routine of being in the house and looking after the kids. You get spoiled on a film set and in some ways it’s easier to be working long hours on a movie than taking care of a large family just because you do get very tired at the end of the day。


“I felt that way especially after the twins were born because the demands on your time are so great. It meant that Brad had to spend a lot more time with the other kids because mommy was too busy or tired。”

Although Angelina often finds being a mother-of-six exhausting, she knows how lucky she is to still have a successful career and the support of Brad。


She added to Britain’s Hello! magazine: “I’m very grateful to be in a position where I can still work and enjoy that creative part of my life and not feel like I’m neglecting my responsibilities as a mother. I also love having a man like Brad who enjoys looking after the kids the way he does, because it’s a lot of work。”

尽管要带六个孩子的确时间累人的活,但安吉丽娜还是庆幸自己有成功的事业,以及来自布拉德的支持。她告诉英国的《Hello!》杂志:“我目前仍可工作并且享受这些充满创意与灵感之事,与此同时可以肩负好做母亲的责任,对此我非常感激感激。另外,有一个像布拉德这样愿意照顾孩子的伴侣真是件幸运的事,因为那真不是件轻松的活儿。” (实习编辑:顾萍)


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