In October 2012, Wang Jisi – professor at BeijingUniversity – urged China to re-open its ancientcommercial trade routes with the West. In 2013,China's President, Xi Jinping proposed to itsneighbors the “One Road, One Belt initiative.China's aim? To achieve $2.5tn in additional annualtrade with the nations along the proposed routesover the next 10 years.
2012年10月,北京大学教授王辑思敦促中国政府重新打通连通西方的古老商业贸易路线。2013年,中国国家主席习近平向多个邻国提出了“一带一路(One Road, One Belt)计划。中国的目标是什么?在未来10年内实现与沿线国家增加2.5万亿美元的年度贸易额。
What is the current state of the project and how likely is it to succeed?
The private sector, for one, has started reinforcing the connectivity between the East and theWest. In 2011, supply chain operator DB Schenker started weekly trains between China andGermany. It carried 40,000 TEU containers (20 foot equivalent unit) from 2012 to 2014.
民营部门已开始加强东西方联系。2011年,供应链运营商德铁信可(DB Schenker)在中国和德国之间开通了每周运行的列车。2012年至2014年,这条路线的货运总量达到4万标准集装箱(20英尺)。
In 2015, the Port of Rotterdam welcomed its first containers by rail from China. This routeshortens the delivery time of goods from around 60 days by sea to about 14 days by land. Inthe future, trains from Chongqing in China to Duisburg in Germany transiting 10,800 km (6,700miles) are expected to reduce delivery time to 10 days. Companies such as Hewlett Packard areconnecting European customers with the factories in China through the new route. Returningcontainers are filled, for example, with western luxury cars.
The result is that the modern caravan has started rolling. Thus, the “New SilkRoaddevelopment project – which embraces an area that is home to about 70 per cent of theworld's population, produces about 55 per cent of global GDP and has about 75 per cent ofknown energy reserves – has been taken its first steps. Of course, challenges remain.
The ambition requires efficient and effective collaboration between the 40 countries locatedalongside the historic silk routes, both those that went overland from China to Europe andthose that went by sea. China has taken the initiative to start aligning the participants, signingpartnership agreements related to the initiative from 2013 onward with Russia, Kazakhstanand Belarus.
The project requires significant funding – an estimated $8tn between 2010 and 2020 alone. TheChina government announced several commitments including a $40bn Silk Road Fund to befocused on projects in the Central Asia region, a $50bn Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB) and a $10bn BRICS-led New Development Bank. Some sources suggest that Beijing isprepared to support the projects to the tune of between $160bn to $300bn. The ChinaDevelopment Bank and the Maritime Silk Road Bank are set to reinforce such support.
新丝绸之路项目需要大量资金投入,仅2010年至2020年之间就需要投入大约8万亿美元。中国政府已宣布多项承诺,包括专注于中亚地区项目的400亿美元的丝路基金(Silk Road Fund)、500亿美元的亚洲基础设施投资银行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,简称亚投行),以及100亿美元的金砖国家新开发银行(New Development Bank)。有些消息人士暗示,中国政府准备投入1600亿至3000亿美元支持这些项目。中国国家开发银行(CDB)和海上丝绸之路银行(Maritime Silk Road Bank)将加强这些支持。
The New Silk Road project needs to overcome technical and regulatory challenges. The trainsrequire at least two changes of gauge – as China and Europe use the standard of 1435 mmgauge while Belarus, Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan use the broad gauge of 1520 mm.Many borders need to be crossed. Customs clearance processes need to be standardised –advanced information technology and digitisation might help. Ideally, the New Silk Road willbecome a free-trade corridor.
Each country needs to understand what to contribute, such as what infrastructure andpolicies to launch, how to finance the initiative and what benefits to be expected from theinvestments. A well-designed business model which features a plan outlining how the Silk Roadwill work is critical to ensure that additional value – new businesses, new industries and newjobs – is created along the entire value chain and not merely at both ends (China and Europe).
Imbalances in economic strength and the flows of goods – China exports are traditionallystronger than those of most of its trading partners – and seasonality like slow months andpeaks need to be factored in the model.
The success of the New Silk Road depends as well on clear governance rules and mechanisms.This includes the answer to the question of whether this project requires an independentorganisation or can handle strategic decision-making and dispute resolution in a bilateral ormultilateral way.
The incentive to get this right is huge. The participating countries will be able to tap in a newsource of growth and need to balance spending with progress. Currently, China is carrying thelion share of the investment. In return, Asia's leading economy expects significant stimulus forits market and favourable ties with countries along the belt.
The private sector will leverage the potential and increase investments proportional with theimprovements in infrastructure and processes. If successful, the reboot of the ancient Silk Roadwill without doubt bring additional growth opportunities to business and nations, and providealso better access to no less than 66 per cent of the world's middle class, which is expected tolive in China by 2030.
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