When you're a famous CEO, you end up giving somany interviews that you might forget what you'vesaid in them all.You might also give interviews onparticular days when you're in particular moods.This can lead to particular articles being publishedthat you particularly regret.
So it is, perhaps, with an interview in which TeslaCEO Elon Musk gave to Germany's Handelsblatt. Init, he suggested -- jokingly?-- that the Cupertino, California, tech titan hires Tesla's engineeringcastoffs.
"Did you ever take a look at the Apple Watch? No, seriously," he said of Apple's alleged forayinto cars. "It's good that Apple is moving and investing in this direction. But cars are verycomplex compared to phones or smartwatches."
Some wondered whether Apple and Tesla had endured a falling out. It had once been rumoredthat the two companies might come together.
Thankfully, Musk took to Twitter on Friday to dismiss the very notion that he and Apple weren'tBFFs.
"Yo, I don't hate Apple, he first tweeted. "It's a great company with a lot of talented people. Ilove their products and I'm glad they're doing an EV."
Those of punctilious mien might suggest that Apple's "talented people" still just weren'ttalented enough to work for Tesla. They might also muse that Musk seems to know definitivelythat Apple is making an electronic vehicle. Might that be because the alleged castoffs fromTesla who now work at Apple have told him?
Musk followed up with another tweet addressing his views on the Watch. "Regarding the watch,Jony & his team created a beautiful design, but the functionality isn't compelling yet. Byversion 3, it will be."
Translation: Version 2 will still be an inadequate lump of beautiful design.
Commenters on Musk's tweets weren't all amused. Someone called Joe Zou suggested thatTesla's CEO was merely jealous that the Apple Watch made more profit in three months thanTesla will in 2015.
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