President Xi Jinping's UK visit starting next week will lead to the signing of agreements worth "a huge amount" and initiate "a golden era" in Beijing's relations with London, the Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.
对于目前的中英关系,英国首相卡梅伦曾这样描述:2015年不仅是中英关系的“黄金年(a golden year),而且未来5年要打造中英关系的“黄金时代。
据了解,这是10年来中国国家主席首次对英国进行国事访问(state visit),也是中方面向欧洲的又一次重大外交行动(another major diplomatic activity)。
曾经在英国外交部担任外交官,现任澳洲悉尼大学中国研究中心主任凯瑞·布朗(Kerry Brown)教授说,此次习近平访问英国可能是中英两国关系加速发展(rapid development)的先声。
在伦敦期间,习近平将出席英女王主持的国事访问系列活动(a series of activities),包括欢迎仪式(welcoming ceremony)、检阅皇家骑兵卫队(review the royal horse guards)、非正式午宴(informal luncheon)、正式晚宴(formal welcoming dinner)等。
习近平还将与英国首相卡梅伦会谈,会见反对党领袖(leaders of opposition parties),会见议会领导人,并在议会发表讲话,出席伦敦金融城市长晚宴并发表演讲等(speak at a dinner hosted by the mayor of London),还将出席有关经贸、人文活动。
据女王的资讯秘书(the queen's press secretary)透露,在伦敦期间,习近平夫妇将下榻在白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)。外交部称,在此期间,习近平还将与英皇室成员(members of the British royal family)会面。
In Manchester, the president will visit research and commercial projects.
此外,习近平还将同英方领导人就国际地区形势(regional situation)、各自内外政策(respective domestic and foreign policies)、双边关系(bilateral relationship)等问题交换意见。
商务部部长助理张骥表示,在经贸合作领域(areas of economic and trade cooperation),此访将超过历次领导人访英成果(exceeding the achievements during previous UK visits by Chinese leaders),充分体现中英经贸合作特点和未来发展的大趋势。中国政府积极支持企业赴英投资,并以高铁(high-speed rail)、核电项目(nuclear power projects)为切入点,推动双向投资合作的深入发展(strengthening cooperation on investment)。
Deals signed during the visit will cover such areas as finance, real estate, energy, healthcare and the automobile industry, Assistant Minister of Commerce Zhang Ji told the news conference. The two countries also are expected to seal a major nuclear energy agreement during the visit.
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