Angus Deaton, a British-born economist at PrincetonUniversity in the US, has won the Nobel Prize foreconomics for his pioneering work into whatdetermines poverty and how people make theirconsumption decisions.
出生于英国、现在任职于美国普林斯顿大学(PrincetonUniversity)的经济学家安格斯·迪顿(Angus Deaton)因为开创性的研究工作而获得诺贝尔经济学奖,他的研究揭示了哪些因素决定贫困,以及人们如何作出自己的消费决策。
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said MrDeaton was awarded the prize "for his analysis onconsumption, poverty and welfare".
瑞典皇家科学院(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)表示,迪顿被授予该奖是因为他“对消费、贫困和福利的分析。
"[His research] shows an impressive breadth in its approaches: basic theory; statisticalmethods for testing theories; in-depth knowledge of the quality of existing data; andextensive work on producing new kinds of data."
A dual US and British citizen, Mr Deaton is the first native Briton to win the Nobel Prize ineconomics since Clive Granger in 2003. He joins a select list of academics who have won theSKr8m ($980,000) prize solo.
拥有美英双重国籍的迪顿,是自2003年克莱夫·格兰杰(Clive Granger)赢得诺贝尔经济学奖以来首位获得这一殊荣的英裔学者。他成为少数独享800万瑞典克朗(合98万美元)奖金的学者之一。
Mr Deaton's work has employed innovative statistical techniques to understand what drivespeople's shopping habits and how governments can better foster economic development.
He has spearheaded the use of more precise microeconomic data to understand whathappens in an economy as a whole, questioning well-known assumptions and helping to solveapparent paradoxes on the relation between consumption and income.
"Natural scientists are often sniffy [about the Nobel Prize in economics] as they don't regard itas scientific," said John Muellbauer, an economist at Oxford university who has worked with MrDeaton. "This is an exception, it is evidence-based economics of the highest standard."
“自然科学家往往对(诺贝尔经济学奖)嗤之以鼻,不承认经济学也是科学。牛津大学(Oxford university)经济学家、曾与迪顿共事的约翰·米尔鲍尔(John Muellbauer)表示,“这是一个例外,它是最高标准的循证经济学。
For example, together with Mr Muellbauer, Mr Deaton compiled a system of equations tounderstand how consumer decisions regarding different goods interacted. This is essential forgovernments planning to make policy changes such as cutting value added tax for someproducts, as such decisions have varying effects on different groups of consumers dependingon what they buy.
He built on work looking at the link between consumption and income by fellow Nobel laureatesFranco Modigliani and Milton Friedman to understand how changes in income drive changes inconsumption. He warned against using aggregate data for the whole economy to justifyimportant policy decisions and showed how it is essential to understand what happens todifferent groups of consumers, depending on their age or income levels.
他进一步发展了诺贝尔奖得主佛朗哥·莫迪利亚尼(Franco Modigliani)和米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)对于消费和收入之间联系的研究,以求理解收入变化如何驱动消费变化。他警告不要使用整个经济的汇总数据为重要决策提供依据,并且证明,了解不同消费者群体的具体情况(取决于他们的年龄或收入水平)是至关重要的。
Orazio Attanasio, an economist at University College London, said: "Angus Deaton is one of thefew people who understands consumption behaviour deeply, both across individuals and overtime."
伦敦大学学院(University College London)经济学家奥拉齐奥·阿塔纳西奥(Orazio Attanasio)表示:“安格斯·迪顿是深刻理解消费行为的极少数人之一,他对消费行为的理解不仅涵盖广大个体,还涵盖时间维度。
Mr Deaton advocated the importance of building extensive data sets on consumption patternsto understand the determinants of poverty. Contrary to what was previously assumed, heshowed that increasing people's income leads to a better food intake. As a result, there waslittle empirical reason to orient aid programmes only towards food as opposed to economygrowth, as some agencies had recommended.
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