During her political career, Hillary Clinton has acquiredan unfortunately well-deserved reputation forfrequent tactical changes in principle wrapped in rhetorical equivocation.
在其政治生涯中,希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton)不幸赢得了一个她当之无愧的名声——在含糊其辞的语言包装下,频繁进行原则上的战术调整。
This week’s apostasy by the Democratic frontrunner for president concerned the Trans-PacificPartnership, the flagship trade treaty involving 12 Asia-Pacific nations on which an outlineagreement was sealed this week. Mrs Clinton, while carefully not committing herself to full-blownopposition, said she was not in favour of what she understood the deal to be.
This stance is close to absurd. As secretary of state Mrs Clinton was closely involved innegotiations for the very pact she is now against. The episode underlines a broader problemwith her candidacy — a lack of trustworthiness that leaves many voters unsure what, ifanything, she believes in.
The basis of Mrs Clinton’s political calculation is not hard to discern. She is being runsurprisingly hard by Bernie Sanders, the leftwing senator from Vermont, who shares theantitrade deal views of much of the Democratic party and the labour movement whose supportshe has worked hard to secure.
希拉里政治盘算的立足点不难分辨。她如今正面临来自佛蒙特州左翼参议员伯尼儠德斯(Bernie Sanders)的意外强劲的竞选挑战,桑德斯与民主党内许多人以及劳工运动持同样的反贸易协定观点,而希拉里一直在努力争取劳工运动的支持。
But taking a sceptical position represents naked opportunism on Mrs Clinton’s part. Assecretary of state, she referred to the TPP as the “gold standard of trade deals. When sheboosted the state department’s economics function, appointing its first ever chief economistand making grandiose noises about “economic statecraft, she repeatedly cited the TPP as theforemost instrument by which the US would engage rising Asian economies.
Mrs Clinton now says that she is unhappy with the lack of enforceable provisions in the draftdeal against currency misalignment, and with protection for pharmaceutical patents that maydisadvantage patients. But it should have been clear that rules allowing retaliation againstalleged currency manipulators, which would almost certainly fall foul of World Trade Organisationlaw, were a non-starter. And one of the concessions over the past week that clinched the TPPagreement involved the US accepting a shorter period of intellectual property protection forcomplex biologic drugs than exists in domestic American law.
This is not the first time Mrs Clinton has spoken from one side of her mouth when in office andfrom the other side when out of it. When she was running against Mr Obama for the Democraticpresidential nomination in 2008, she said that she would renegotiate the North American FreeTrade Agreement (Nafta) “to take out the ability of foreign companies to sue us because ofwhat we do to protect our workers. After joining Mr Obama’s administration in 2009, shereversed course and supported similar “investor-state dispute settlement provisions in theTPP.
在位时说一套,不在位时说另一套——希拉里这样做可不是头一回。在2008年希拉里和奥巴马(Obama)竞争民主党总统候选人提名时,她曾表示要重新谈判《北美自由贸易协定》(North American Free TradeAgreement),“以消除外国企业因我们保护工人的举动而起诉我们的能力。而在2009年加入奥巴马政府后,希拉里改变了方针,支持TPP中与之类似的“投资者-国家争端解决条款。
The Democrats have a broader problem with the issue of trade agreements. Mrs Clinton’shusband spent a great deal of political capital pushing Nafta through a recalcitrant Congress in1993, making overblown promises about the number of jobs it would create. When itdisappointed, and when average wages continued to stagnate in the US, much of theDemocratic party turned against globalisation in general and trade agreements in particular.
Mrs Clinton will not lift this mood of suspicion and disillusionment by repeatedly switching backand forth between backing trade deals and opposing them. Her carefully-modulated commentsthis week show that political positioning far trumps principle in her campaign for thenomination. Mrs Clinton is sowing more confusion and equivocation in an area where clarityand honesty are badly needed.
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