A 12-year-old in Taiwan lived out many museum-goers' nightmare (and many parents') when hetripped and caught his balance by punching a hole inan oil painting that is over 300 years old and valuedat $1.5 million.
The video of the mishap is mostly uneventful. Theboy, carrying something that looks like a canneddrink, is taking a casual stroll through the exhibition when he stumbles and falls into thepainting.
Then he catches his balance and quickly looks behind him to see if anyone saw him fall.
He left a fist-size hole in the right bottom corner of the canvas, Sun Chi-hsuan, arepresentative from the company that co-sponsored the exhibition, told reporters. He alsosaid that the exhibition's curator had asked that the boy not be punished for damaging thepainting.
The work, "Flowers," is by the Italian artist Paolo Porpora, who specialized in Baroque-stylepaintings of still-lifes. According to an art database, it is the only one of the artist's works thatis signed.
The boy, who by the mercy of the Internet gods has not yet been identified, joins an elitegroup of art patrons who have damaged expensive works. The most famous is probably thebillionaire Steve Wynn, who once put his elbow through Picasso's "Le Reve." In the end, it wasrepaired and sold to another billionaire for $155 million.
Perhaps "Flowers" will have a similar happy ending: A restoration specialist is already at workon repairing the painting, according to The Guardian.
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